Juned Ghanchi

Juned Ghanchi
Juned Ghanchi is the Co-Founder and CMO of Indian App Developers, an app development firm based in India. He is passionate about business growth through technology. With over 10 years in the tech industry, Juned specializes in creating revenue-driven marketing strategies. He frequently contributes to major tech publications like Entrepreneur, YourStory, GoDaddy, and Search Engine Watch.

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Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

12 Strategies for Unleashing Untapped Growth Opportunities

Challenges in business are inevitable, no matter your niche. From initial funding to finding the right talent and beyond, you must overcome hurdles in every corner. Some of these challenges are obvious, while others — not so much. 

Social Media | 10 min read

What Impact Can Social Media Communities Have on Your Business?

Social media is an intrinsic part of every top brand’s business strategy. With the right approach, you can get your target market talking about your product, gather customer insights, drive traffic to your website, and boost sales.

In short, how well you can portray your brand on social media decides your business’s success.

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