Every e-commerce business—regardless of size, product category, or experience—shares a common challenge: shipping orders to customers. The key to thriving online is finding a way to get products into your customers’ hands quickly while keeping your transportation costs low.

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Shipping & Fulfillment | 4 min read
Think Inside the Box: How to Maximize Profits with Right-Size Packaging
When it comes to shipping, a few inches can make a truckload of difference to your bottom line.
Inadequate or poorly designed packaging may seem like a small thing, but there are three costly side effects:
- You are likely paying more for packaging than you should.
- You could be paying more for shipping than you should.
- Items that aren’t appropriately packed can get damaged in transit.
Whether you’re shipping 10 packages a day or 10,000, choosing the right packaging for your products is[...]
As consumers increasingly prefer to shop online, more companies are joining the e-commerce landscape. But more e-commerce growth also means greater competition.
To keep customers coming back, many online retailers rely on free shipping. The strategy works: A whopping 9 out of 10 customers cite free shipping as their number one incentive to shop online more often, and 83% of customers will wait an additional two days for free shipping.
But how can your business compete with retail giants like [...]
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