3dcart’s integration with EBay Motors can create benefits and advantages for retail automotive clients. Whether it is for cars, trucks, motorcycles, parts, accessories, or other auto-related items, EBay Motors usually is a place where consumers browse, compare prices with other merchants, and most of all –shop. Hard to find, specialty items, accessories and custom parts and products in the realm of vehicles are usually listed on EBay. For these reasons, in a move projected to bring higher visibility, brand awareness and increased sales of client products, 3dcart launched its integration with eBay last month.
In addition, the 3dcart EBay Module makes mobile retail operations smooth and effective. Merchants currently using 3dcart will be able to double-up on their sales platforms and utilize additional forms of check-outs, including PayPal. Many retail on-line stores already use the additional outlet which eBay offers: Best Buy, Musician’s Friend, Tommy Hilfiger and countless others. In fact there are a number of very good reasons for the integration and prime advantages as well as benefits for the 3dcart retail client:
- eBay has 119.7 million active users and its active user base growth is predicted to accelerate
- Fixed-price listings account for more than 69% of all eBay transactions
- It consistently grows at a pace faster than the rate of all e-commerce
- Nearly all of eBay’s product categories have achieved double digit YoY percentage growth rates
In addition, there are a number of other advantages for the retail merchant in integrating with EBay including: a reorganized fee structure which focuses heavily on fixed-price formats providing retailers a low-risk opportunity to list their full catalog and pay a commission to eBay only when a sale is completed. As the result of the use of multiple sales channels the potential for higher product visibility and increased brand awareness is a viable advantage. In addition, the use of integration with eBay will result in a larger distribution of product availability to a much greater number of potential buyers.
To learn more about eBay Integration - Click Here.
Learn more about selling on eBay or check out our helpful guide on selling auto parts online.
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