Online shoppers demand a secure environment to make purchases, and with six incredible SSL options from 3dcart, you can easily create one for them.
Now with reduced prices on all premium security packages, there has never been a better time to install one of the following SSL certificates inside your 3dcart store.
Choose from one of the following options:
Free SharedSSL (Included free on all accounts) -- The Geo Trust Sharred SSL comes pre-installed with the purchase of any 3dcart plan. This is recognizable by the 3dcartstores.com that is attached to your domain during checkout. For example, www.mydomain.com becomes mydomain.3dcartstores.com during the checkout process.
RapidSSL (Secure your site fast…for less) -- Secure your site in minutes with a RapidSSL® SSL Certificate, enabling up to 128-bit encryption. RapidSSL Certificates help ensure that your customers' and business partners’ information is safe and secure at all times.
QuickSSL Premium (Secure your site for desktop and mobile browsers) -- Secure online transactions and applications in minutes with a GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium SSL Certificate.
Enabling up to 256-bit encryption on web browsers and mobile phones, GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SSL Certificates shows your customers and business partners that their information is secure no matter what computer or mobile device they shop from.
GeoTrust EV SSL (Highest Assurance Certificate) -- GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV (Extended Validation) is 3dcart's premium business-class SSL security product, visually confirming the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates.
If the GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV certificate could talk, it would say “No need to worry. Your customers' payment information is protected.”
Web site visitors really notice when the address bar turns green in their browsers, and the organization field starts to rotate between your business name and GeoTrust.
Secure Site (40-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption) -- VeriSign® Secure Site offers more than security for your online business, it helps drive traffic to your site and reduce abandoned transactions.
This premium SSL Certificate works together with Seal-in-Search technology and daily Web site malware scanning, helping to assure customers that your site is protected at all times.
Secure Site with EV (Extended Validation SSL Certificates) -- The VeriSign seal, the most trusted mark on the Internet, is viewed up to 250 million times a day on more than 90,000 Web sites in 160 countries. Seal-in-Search displays the VeriSign Trust™ Seal next to your link on browsers enabled with a free plug-in as well as on partner shopping sites and product review pages. The seal differentiates your link in search and shows that malicious code has not been detected in a daily malware scan.
When it comes to processing and collecting payments online, you need to make sure that your 3dcart store is protected at all times. After all, your business depends on it.
In order to transmit sensitive payment information safely and securely, your site will need to use the Secure Socket Layer encryption method -- also known as SSL. As a 3dcart store owner, you can now choose from one of six SSL options and create a secure online shopping environment for you and your customers.
If you have any questions, or to get your SSL certificate today, contact one of our support experts at 24/7/365 at 1-800-828-6650.
Read about the NetSecure® Protection Plan (PDF)
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