How many people do you currently know who check their Facebook accounts every single day? Are you also active in different social media networks? It's definitely a BIG thing that you ought to take advantage of for your online business.
Unlike what many believe, social media optimization is not as simple as opening a Twitter account and posting something every day. It's not as easy as inviting your friends and website visitors to like your Facebook page.
Optimizing your business via social media entails hard work, constant research, and smart strategizing. You need a mentor too to guide you so that you don't end up wasting a lot of your time and energy. This is why 3dcart offers a starter package for social media optimization, which includes setup of your FB store, social links, phone consultation, social bookmarking, evaluation reports, and more.
More Customer Interaction
With an established presence on social media, you can increase customer interaction. It's like putting up a booth in an event where your target market hangs out. When you display interesting and engaging things that appeal to your audience, you're likely to draw them to you and encourage them to ask questions, make comments, and provide suggestions.
Social media opens up wonderful opportunities for you to get to know your customers and let them get to know you better too. It's also an amazing venue for you to begin an actual relationship with them and maintain such for a long time.
Greater Visibility
Naturally, when you're active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms, the more you'll boost your visibility. More people will be aware of your brand and online store. This increases chances for word to spread about your products and services, especially if you're posting eye-catching stuff. Of course with this kind of visibility, you can also enhance your search engine optimization.
Knowledge Distribution
When you have an upcoming event, posting the notice on your own website is certainly not enough. In making use of social media, you'll spread the word faster and get to inform existing customers and passing visitors about your company, events, and promos.
If your store gets featured in a popular magazine, post about it. If you are launching new products, post about it. If you're holding an exciting contest, post about it. All of these will not just captivate the attention of your target audience but will also drive them to want to visit your store and make a purchase.
Customer Loyalty Enhancement
Just as you're able to make new friends and keep in touch with current pals through Facebook and other social networks, you can also do the same with existing and potential customers. When you interact with them on a regular basis in platforms where they often spend time with real loved ones, they can view you in the same light. You can easily gain their trust and hence develop and enhance customer loyalty in the process.
Added Marketing Insight
You'll be surprised just how much you'll learn about what people want and are looking for when you take the time to go over your newsfeed. It would also benefit you a lot to check out profiles of those people following you or who have liked your page.
Finding out that many of your FB page fans enjoy drinking coffee or discovering that a lot of your Twitter followers have babies which they tweet about often are marvelous marketing insights you can use to your advantage. Such details will give you ideas on how, where, and when you ought to market your products. These can also spark inspiration in coming up with new products to add to your inventory.
Customer Service Improvement
Have you ever experienced reaching out to a company through social media? Or perhaps you've seen a comment or two on Instagram or Pinterest that pertains to a customer's concern or question. It's because social platforms provide a place for people to air out their complaints, ask for help, express a cause of worry, and the like.
Being present on different social networks is a good opportunity for you to improve your customer service and make people choose you over your competitors in the long run.
Going over these reasons, you get to appreciate why social media optimization plays a major role in propelling your online business to the top. So check out the 3dcart SMO package today for that well-deserved boost to your store!
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