Brandon Rollins

Brandon Rollins
Brandon Rollins is a Marketing Consultant at Fulfillrite. His main areas of expertise are online marketing and supply chain management. He also runs Pangea Marketing Agency and Pangea Games.

Recent Posts

Starting a Business | 9 min read

How to Estimate Demand for New Product Ideas

Whether you're starting a new business or building upon an existing one, at some point, you will have to start selling a new product or service. Doing so, however, is risky because it's hard to tell for sure how they will be received until after you've done all the hard work.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 9 min read

Guide to 3PL - Third-Party Logistics

Running a successful eCommerce business is a ton of work. You have to set up and maintain a website, find great products to sell, market your business, and keep your customers happy. A big part of that is making sure you get items into your customers' hands safe and sound. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done.

Many eCommerce owners start out by shipping their own items. For a little while, this can work out well. However, as a store grows, it can quickly become overwhelming to[...]

Customer Service | 8 min read

12 Tips to Turn One-Time Shoppers into Lifetime Buyers

New customers are the lifeblood of successful businesses. At least, that is a belief that many business owners have internalized. You can see it in their actions. For example, SocialMediaToday reports that 7 million advertisers spent $10.1 billion on pay-per-click online ads in the year 2017 alone.

For more experienced business owners, though, a different goal reigns supreme: turning one-time shoppers into lifetime buyers. Early on, businesses focus on generating leads. Established businesses,[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 7 min read

15 Must-Have Features to Consider When Selecting a Fulfillment Company

When you’re running an eCommerce store, you want to scale your operations. After a certain point, though, you won't be able to efficiently fill orders on your own. It's simply too much work. The act of filling orders takes you and your employees away from what's most important - growing the business.

For that reason, many business owners outsource order fulfillment to a fulfillment company. Fulfillment companies take care of day-to-day tasks associated with shipping so you don't have to worry[...]

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