Hiral Rana Dholakiya

Hiral Rana Dholakiya
Hiral Rana Dholakiya is a Digital Marketing Consultant with over 10 years of experience. She's passionate about all things Digital & Social Media and has conducted training programs at institutes like GLS University and L.J. Institute of Media & Communications. Hiral also shares her insights and knowledge with the audience of publications like AdWeek, Entrepreneur Magazine, Social Media Today and Social Media Examiner to name a few.
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Fraud Prevention | 9 min read

How to Tackle AI Identity Fraud in eCommerce: 7 Things to Consider

While AI has penetrated our lives in most technological aspects, we must acknowledge its dark side and prominent role in online identity fraud. 

Most industries are slowly facing the implications of deepfakes and password hacking; eCommerce is no different. 

Fraud Prevention | 9 min read

What Is Risk Management and Why Does It Matter for Enterprise eCommerce?

Life without eCommerce is unimaginable in this day and age. The prospect of shopping 24/7 from anywhere with an internet connection is very much ingrained into our daily routine. Plus, we can access a wider variety of products and services and compare prices online.

B2B eCommerce | 13 min read

B2B eCommerce in 2023: Everything You Need To Know

Reports state that B2B eCommerce resulted in only 9% of total B2B product sales in the US. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed this scenario by revolutionizing buyer preferences.

Additionally, the closure of brick-and-mortar stores helped B2B eCommerce gain momentum. 

Customer Service | 8 min read

How to Use an Online Knowledge Base to Scale Your eCommerce Conversions

Most buyers prefer to help themselves while shopping online and only reach out for assistance when they are stuck. If these buyers cannot quickly get answers to their concerns, they will ditch your store and shop elsewhere. As a result, providing them with the resources they need is a must.

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