It seems that every day, more states and countries are legalizing marijuana for medicinal or recreational use. As cannabis commerce becomes less restricted, opportunities are growing and business is booming. The expansion of eCommerce platforms coinciding with the advent of cannabis legalization means that you have the ideal outlet for selling CBD oil and related merchandise beyond your local dispensary. If you want to start your own cannabis online store, keep reading for tips on building your[...]
Laura Harvsey

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If your business relies on customer and client appointments, you need to make sure they are easily accessible. Using an online appointment scheduler is a great way to do that: your customers will be able to see exactly which appointments are available and book them instantly.
Unfortunately, appointments are often overlooked in the e-commerce process with companies tending to focus on marketing and outreach. That's a shame because an inaccessible (or confusing) appointment system can wreck an[...]
Every second that your eCommerce website is down equates to money walking out of your virtual storefront. When considering the impact that a downed server has on eCommerce, one of the first examples that comes to mind is Amazon. Just a few years ago, their site was down for around 40 minutes, resulting in approximately $5 million in losses.
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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is a saying that you’ve probably heard time and time again throughout your life. On a fundamental level all of us know that it is true. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Isn’t it better to be prepared for something that doesn’t happen as opposed to not being prepared for something that does? This is the same mentality you need to have when it comes to protecting your eCommerce store.
If you don’t take the time now to create the[...]
There are a lot of benefits that come from deciding to start a business online. There are number of benefits that come from deciding to move from a strictly brick-and-mortar operation to one that offers products and services online. There are also a number of risks.
The risk of online fraud is drastically different than the traditional fraud risk retailers experience in a brick-and-mortar business. A lot of this risk stems from the fact that you do not see the individual who is at the other end[...]
Web Design | 6 min read
4 Fundamentals of eCommerce Design
It’s likely that you have visited an eCommerce store in the past few months.
If we were to ask you to describe how it looked, could you? Probably not...
But if we asked you how it made you feel, it’s likely you could tell us if you trusted the site, if it looked visually appealing, whether or not it worked well on your mobile device, or if it was easy to navigate.
The way that an eCommerce store makes us feel is important. It’s usually the way that we feel about the store that impacts whether[...]
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