This month in 3dcart University we focus on designing the highest quality homepages, building your visual and blog site content, and how to handle a myriad of settings on your website. In marketing, we discuss exploiting the latest available tool in your e-marketing toolkit without alienating the customers you most desire.
Our designers go by-the-numbers with a series of articles to keep you thinking about customer retention and site content.
- Learn about the phenomenon of blogger burnout and how to combat the fatigue that can overcome businesses in their ongoing quest for quality content. Read “3 Essential Ways to Ensure That Your Blog Doesn’t Burn Out.”
- We also teach you how to avoid many of the most common mistakes when laying out the home page of your e-store in “5 Homepage Mistakes to Make a First-time Customer Leave your Store.”
- In “8 Important Photography Tips for Online Stores” you’ll learn the basics of how to photograph your products to maximize their impact and create a dynamic, colorful presence in e-commerce.
- Also, learn how to approach your settings tabs with confidence instead of dread with “Configuring Your General Settings: 12 Important Elements You Need to Remember,” which covers everything from column to email settings.
Do you tweet? If not, you need to be and our marketing team has assembled an essential Twitter primer in “Driving Traffic with Twitter.” You’ll learn why tweeting may be more important than Facebook, Pintrest, and Tumblr combined and how to best exploit the 140 character tweet to #buildyourbrand... and while your Tweeting, don't forget to give us a shout! #3dcart
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