As we are well into Q4 2020, it’s time to take advantage of the high traffic dates that are coming up on Amazon. Since Prime Day was postponed until October, we have officially entered into what should be the highest traffic Q4 in the history of Amazon. We have Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, along with the holiday season. The pandemic has also influenced how much people shop online.
For all of those reasons, it is absolutely crucial that Amazon sellers do everything within their ability to take advantage of these circumstances and maximize profits. In this blog, we are going to be looking into what to sell on Amazon FBA during this period. More precisely, we are going to be sharing a list of 10 product niches that show promise for the upcoming holidays and Amazon special events.
1. Snow Powder
A white Christmas is something that we all want during the holidays. Unfortunately, depending on the weather or your particular location, you are not guaranteed to have snow fall during the holiday season. This is why many people turn to artificial snow for their decorations to add a sprinkle of holiday magic.
This is a very straightforward product. Customers simply add water to the powder and get a substance that has a feel and texture just like normal show. What makes this product special is the fact that this niche is not very competitive and average sales are around 900 units a month. Needless to say, we can expect that number to rise heavily as we move closer and closer to the holiday season.
When we consider the simplicity of the product and that the average price is just above $20, this makes it a perfect private label idea. Keep in mind that the product is seasonal, so make sure that you take that into account when you do your inventory planning.
2. Exercise Mats
If you have been an Amazon seller or have at least been in Amazon seller circles, you have likely seen exercise mats as a prime example of a strong private label product. With that being said, it is a very competitive environment and niche. However, there are some changes that can make it an alluring prospect if you are looking to add a new product to your catalogue. One of those factors is the pandemic.
Due to public health concerns, gyms are closed in many placed around the world. As a result, people have been forced to make adjustments to their fitness regimens in order to stay in shape. With the weather getting colder, those fitness enthusiasts that have managed to work out outside will be forced to do their activities at home.
The second thing to consider is that this niche, while being competitive, is extremely diverse. These mats come in many shapes, sizes and materials:
With that diversity comes a broad price range – with enough research and creativity, you can likely pinpoint a mat that you can sell. Then, you can carve out your own slice of what is currently an average of $180,000 in monthly revenue.
3. Rain Suit
As previously mentioned, with the weather getting colder, outdoor activities will be less and less viable. However, this is not necessarily true for everyone. Some people will still need to go outdoors and get around, no matter the weather. To solve this problem, customers are looking for rain gear to protect them. This is why you should consider selling a rain suit this Q4.
If we just take a glance using the AMZScout Pro Extension, we can see that the vast majority of the results on the first page are “Hot”. This means that their sales have grown by 20% or more in the past 3 months.
4. Bean Bag Chairs
Amazon isn’t exactly the first place you go to buy furniture. However, Amazon has made moves to incentivize people to both buy and sell more on the platform. One of these incentives is the lowered referral fees on furniture. They are now only 10%, compared to the standard 15% referral fee applied in most categories.
Bean bag chairs are very much a blank canvas that you can be creative with in terms of design and materials. You can also use vacuum compression for packaging to save money on shipping costs.
Selling a bean bag chair might be a great opportunity for your business. However, before you make the decision, you need to make sure that you can sell it at a price that will cover your costs and allow for a decent profit margin.
Another important aspect is quality. With a large item, you don’t want to be having any returns, since returns for a larger item will cost you more than a smaller one.
5. Fleece Blankets
With the cold weather coming and the pandemic keeping you indoors, it’s time to get cosy. In fact, judging by the growing sales in fleece blankets, a lot of people seem to be getting cosy already.
Blankets are another type of product that you can be a blank canvas. You can play around with the color and the design as well as the size. What makes this niche interesting is the fact that it’s highly competitive. However, there are only a few strong sellers.
With an average monthly revenue of close to $150,000, there is enough available revenue to make it a viable option. You could test your creativity and positioning skills in hopes of getting your own cut of this lucrative market.
6. Medicine Box
When taking any number of supplements or medication regularly, having a medicine box makes things so much easier. It seems that people are buying them more online, like many other things. The reason why these products are interesting from a private label perspective is the fact that it’s an extremely cheap product to make and there is decent room for customizing and differentiation.
Medicine boxes are mostly made of plastic that can be molded into different shapes and colors, which almost makes it a perfect private label product. However, keep in mind that because the selling price is quite low, you must carefully calculate your margins and set up your pricing. Basically, any seller's ability to enter this niche and sell this type of product greatly depends on the kind of supplier they can find and what sort of manufacturing prices they can negotiate.
7. Cloth Table Napkins
Cloth table napkins, otherwise known as dinner napkins, are a great product for multiple reasons. For one, they are, like many of the items on our list, a blank canvas. You can play around with the design in order to peak your customers’ interest. Another reason is that they are environmentally friendly.
There are other items like reusable bamboo and metal straws that have gotten a lot more popular in recent years. Sure, cloth napkins have been around for a while. In fact, historically speaking, they’ve existed longer than paper ones. The difference is that now there is a whole new reason to be buying them – sustainability.
These trends are impacting the recent rise in sales. Also, there is little seasonal impact on this rise, since people use napkins all year round. The average price is a little under $20, which is not ideal. However, cloth napkins are in most ways an excellent and simple private label product on a rising trend.
8. Dog Boots
With autumn well underway and winter just around the corner, every dog owner knows how much of a hassle it can be to clean your dog's paws after a muddy walk. This is precisely why people put boots on their dogs. To be fair, dogs probably don’t feel like they need them, but their owners want to make their own lives a little easier.
These dog boots are exactly what you want out of a private label product. They are simple and inexpensive, take up very little space, and are not heavy or cumbersome. Also, you can design them in virtually countless ways. Not to mention the fact that the product solves a real problem and solves it effectively. Another alluring aspect of this product is the fact that the average selling price is exactly at the $25 mark.
9. Cosplay Pajamas
Speaking of being stuck at home and being cosy, there are very few things that are as snug and comfy as plush “onesie” pajamas. If you are already going to be stuck at home with nowhere to go, you might as well have some fun while staying comfortable and pretending that you are a dinosaur or a Pokémon. No one is going to judge you in these trying times.
This is really the type of product where you can get as creative as you wish. There is a healthy range in selling prices and it’s hard to find two of the same pajamas when you search for these. In fact, when we look at the breakdown of the qualities of this niche, it’s looking really good. The competition is not at all intimidating and the margins are ideal as well.
We can also see that the listings have not been made to the highest standards. Combining that fact with the sheer variety of all of the products available, cosplay pajamas make for an interesting and fun product to sell.
10. Touchscreen Snow Gloves
This is a product that can be primarily characterised as a problem solver. When it’s cold, you have to wear gloves. However, no matter how cold it is, you still need to be able to use your phone. This has become an obvious feature that we’ve come to expect from all of our gloves. In fact, it’s almost strange that this isn’t a standard feature at this point.
It makes sense that you are more likely to buy a product when you are looking for it as a solution to a problem rather than a novelty interest. This is what makes this type of product attractive. Another thing to consider is that most of the results on the first page when you type in the phrase “touch screen snow gloves” are products that have experienced a sizable and recent growth in sales.
This is very encouraging, especially considering that it’s not even that cold in most places yet. This is a product that we can expect to rise in demand the closer we get to the winter. With these gloves, customers can keep their hands warm, text and look stylish. There is a wide array of colours and designs that you can use to customize and differentiate your gloves amongst the sea of competitors.
The final quarter of any year is the time when Amazon sellers generate the most revenue. If you were to add a new product now, you can actually use the increased traffic to expedite the natural life cycle that any product has to go through to get established. The life cycle involves getting indexed on new keywords and establishing organic rankings. In fact, right before the peak of Q4 might be the best time to launch a couple of new products.
Product research is a very complex process in terms of decision making. This is why it’s very important to get the most accurate information you possibly can. Using tools like the one AMZScout has developed can make the entire process a whole lot easier and faster. Also, don’t shy away from seasonal products, since you can take advantage of recurring trends. Just be careful with inventory planning. Make sure that you fully research any product you intend to add to your catalogue in terms of margins and costs. Good luck sellers!
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