Michal Leszczynski

Michal Leszczynski
Michal is immersed in developing, implementing, and coordinating all manner of content marketing projects as the Content Marketing Manager at GetResponse. He has 8-plus years of expertise in online marketing with a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Marketing and Consulting from the University of Birmingham (UK). Michal is the author of more than 100 articles, ebooks, and courses for both GetResponse and renowned websites like Crazy Egg and Social Media Today.

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Web Design | 10 min read

8 Types of eCommerce Images Your Store Should Have

Product images are essential for any eCommerce store. Authentic photos can communicate your brand values to customers. They also help potential customers visualize the products in your store. After all, these are images of products that they can’t physically touch.

Email Marketing | 11 min read

How to Create an Email List that Builds Your eCommerce Business

Out of many eCommerce growth strategies you can choose from, none is more promising than email marketing.

Email is hands down the best way to communicate with your audience, build trust, and increase sales. The tricky part? Email marketing only works if you have a quality email list.

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