Your choice of words and manner of speech can make or break the way you convey your message. Sales talk isn't necessarily ear-candy and some people may shun you at the get-go. With a good script, you can make a product demo video that shows how interesting your product is, even if it’s not an exciting topic. Here are seven ingredients you should mix into your video script to help create a recipe for a successful digital marketing campaign.


1. Make it short and sweet.

Creating a product demo video involves more than just tinkering with tools and effects in a video maker. A script is important as well, but you have to know when to stop. You can use a script length calculator to accurately estimate the time you speak and when you should stop. Thirty seconds to a minute’s worth of script is ideal. But if you really have to make it longer, then you have to make sure that your content is engaging enough to keep your viewers interested. This can be a huge challenge — especially if your viewer just happens to stumble upon your product demo video.

To keep your script short but meaningful, make sure to keep the language understandable. Avoid jargon and long, complicated sentences. Remember, your video is meant to explain your product, not make it hard to understand.

Remove fluff and any unnecessary information that may just make your script longer without adding value to it. Go straight to the point and keep the promotional terms to a minimum. Do you want your audience to purchase the product? Get a free consultation? Sign up for a free trial? Determine your goal and make it clear to your viewers.


2. Set the tone.

Make sure that the video speaks your brand’s language and voice. It’s also important to match the tone of the video with the product it’s featuring. There’s no use in talking so formally about a fun kiddie drink. Alternatively, an elementary-grade script about a business solution may make the product less credible and impressive.

You have to be able to identify your target audience and what tone would work best for them and your product. Write the script in a way that your viewers would be able to relate to it. The tone should be engaging and alert, not dull and bland. You want your audience to stay alert while watching your video. The second they lose interest, expect them to scroll past your video.


3. Keep it simple.

Injecting a bit of humor and wittiness in your videos can help boost its engagement factor. But you have to draw a line somewhere. Too much of something may only complicate the video and make it harder for people to grasp.

When creating a product demo video, use simple terms and explain product specs in the simplest way possible. Big words will not impress your viewers, but rather scare them away. Talking to your viewers like you’re talking to friends will be a more effective approach to keep them engaged.

To keep viewers engaged you can even add a simple illustration. There are several illustrations styles so pick something that goes with the tone of your video.


4. Don’t sell, tell a story.

A story always sells. So, why not incorporate one into your product demo video? It should have a progression from its beginning to its sweet ending. The story can revolve around a problem or pain point where your product is the superhero that saves the day.

Targeting a common pain point works best for product demo videos. If you start with a problem, a viewer who may be looking for a solution to that same problem will continue watching your video with the hopes of getting it solved. Present it through a scenario that’s familiar and relatable. One way you can find common pain points is through comments and reviews of competitors.

Once you have identified a problem, start presenting your product. Paint a picture of why it’s the ideal solution and why the viewer should choose it over its competitors. Make sure that your script here sounds clear and confident.


5. Focus on benefits.

Focussing on benefits

When explaining your product, focus on the benefits. Features and benefits can be quite confusing, so let’s break it down a bit.

Product features are the specific traits or characteristics of a product. It could be the material or ingredients used, the colors and dimensions, and special capabilities or functions.

Product benefits, on the other hand, are about what good the customers get or experience from the product. This can be convenience, relief, improved well-being, and a better quality of life.

To convert features to benefits, simply ask the question “So what?” — here’s an example:

Our cooking pan is made of anodized aluminum.
- So what?
It’s more resistant to scratches and rust.
- So what?
It will last longer, so you won’t have to spend so much on new ones anytime soon.

Saying “Our anodized aluminum pan is coated with ceramic” may seem impressive, but what does it really mean?

It would make more sense to say “Our scratch-resistant cooking pan is coated with a non-stick surface for easier and more enjoyable meal prep.” This is more likely to convince a viewer to purchase.

Telling your viewers what good they can get from your product will make it more interesting than listing down its features and specifications. This way, your video will come out as a solution provider, not just a product for sale.


6. Speak naturally.

You know how awful it sounds when an actor delivers dialogues that do not sound natural? You wouldn’t want that on your product demo video script. Make sure your script reads naturally. After writing it down, read it aloud. Does it sound natural to you? Although people know that videos have scripts, it makes a huge difference to hear something that does not sound orchestrated or fake.

When recording the video, whether it involves a live speaker or a voiceover, make sure that it’s spoken as naturally as possible. Although there are automated voices you can use for your video, choose a live speaker if you want to make the video more personable and if you want your product to sell.

Also, it’s imperative that the script is spoken loud and clear. If you are adding background music to your product demo video, make sure that the voice is louder and that the music won’t distract the audience from listening to the spoken content.


7. Add captions.

Aside from a spoken script, it’s highly recommended to add subtitles to your product demo video as well. Most people scroll through their feeds with the sound off. Adding captions to your video will allow viewers to know what it’s about even without turning the volume up.

Captions are also especially helpful to people with hearing impairments. Not only are you making your video watchable for the majority of the population, but you are also extending your video’s reach and boosting potential sales.

When adding captions, make sure that the text flashes on screen in perfect timing to its spoken version. Choose a typeface, font style, and font color that are easy to read.


Tips for Recording Product Demo Videos

Now that your script is ready and you have prepared all aspects of the video, you can start recording your product demo video. This is yet another challenge for businesses, but here are some tips to help you get on the right track.

Recording a product demo video

1. Highlight one feature or benefit at a time.

If your product has several features and solves a lot of different problems, create a video for each one. Showing and explaining all of them in one video can extend the runtime, overwhelming the viewer. Breaking down your demo into several short clips will make it easier to sell the product as well. Instead of targeting an audience that looks for all those features or benefits together, you are reaching out to the audience for each feature or benefit your product provides.

2. Choose a bigger recording window size.

The most practical size for your recording window is at a 16:9 resolution. Recording with a larger size helps ensure that you capture everything in your product demo video. Besides, you can choose to crop the video during editing if necessary.

3. Record your voiceover or narration in chunks.

Recording your voiceover or narration in sections makes it easier for you to edit your video. You can even change the positions of the script if you think it would sound or flow better in the video. Make several recordings of each section, each one being said differently, so you will have options to choose from when you put the script and visuals together.

4. Choose your speaker wisely.

If you are opting for a voice actor or a narrator, make sure that the tone of their voice is a good fit for your video’s target audience. If the speaker will be included in the video, have them dress the part and rehearse the demonstration first before recording.

You can choose to have a traditional demo style where the speaker is talking about the product and demonstrating its use on video. You may add a video overlay of the speaker, like a picture in picture effect, while the product is being shown in the background. You can have a combination of both by recording the speaker with a green screen and then adding a video of the product in the background.

5. Use the right tools and equipment.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to make high-quality product demo videos. You can even use your mobile phone or laptop camera to record. Just make sure to record with good lighting (natural light, if at all possible) and a good microphone to record the script loud and clear.

The beauty of video editors nowadays is that they allow you to enhance your video even though it was recorded poorly. You don’t even have to purchase, download, and install costly software because there are online video editors that can produce impressive results for free.

6. Get help when needed.

Product demo videos should be taken seriously. Remember, these will help raise awareness about your product and, hopefully, boost sales as well. If there’s one aspect of video recording and editing that you are struggling with, do not hesitate to get help.

Hire a proofreader or anyone who specializes in scripts to make sure yours will be effective and interesting. Research for articles that provide guidance and tips on proper video recording setup, camera settings, post-recording editing, and any other video-related issues you need more help with.


Take your eCommerce product demo to the next level

Creating a script and recording a product demo video may seem daunting, but great results are achievable. You may make mistakes, but there’s plenty of room to revise, edit, revise, and edit some more. These tips are meant to help you make no-nonsense videos for your business. Once you get started, you’ll find that your video marketing efforts are moving along faster (and better) than you think.