Shift4Shop eCommerce Blog | Fraud Prevention (2)

Fraud Prevention | 5 min read

7 Easy Tips to Secure Your Online Store Without Breaking the Bank

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is a saying that you’ve probably heard time and time again throughout your life. On a fundamental level all of us know that it is true. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Isn’t it better to be prepared for something that doesn’t happen as opposed to not being prepared for something that does? This is the same mentality you need to have when it comes to protecting your eCommerce store.

If you don’t take the time now to create the[...]

Fraud Prevention | 5 min read

4 Types of Common E-commerce Fraud and How to Avoid Them

There are a lot of benefits that come from deciding to start a business online. There are number of benefits that come from deciding to move from a strictly brick-and-mortar operation to one that offers products and services online. There are also a number of risks.

The risk of online fraud is drastically different than the traditional fraud risk retailers experience in a brick-and-mortar business. A lot of this risk stems from the fact that you do not see the individual who is at the other end[...]

Fraud Prevention | 7 min read

Do I Need an SSL Certificate for My Website, Blog, or eCommerce Store?

When trying to start their own eCommerce business, you will inevitably consider which features you will need for your website. Given that you are almost certainly on a budget, you will likely separate these tools between which ones you need and which ones you do not need but might like to have. The idea here is that you keep what you know you will need, get anything else you can, and save anything else you might like for later.

However, before making any firm decisions, you must know what[...]

Fraud Prevention | 8 min read

What is Carding and How to Prevent it in Your Online Store

Fraud is a nightmare for customers and merchants alike. With constant news of data breaches, shoppers are rightfully concerned about the safety of their payment data. The thought of a stranger racking up thousands of dollars in debt keeps many customers up at night — and causes them to have second thoughts about buying from you.

Retailers are hurt just as badly by fraudulent credit card transactions. Fraud causes chargebacks, possible loss of products, and damage to a merchant's reputation, all[...]

Fraud Prevention | 2 min read

4 Common Elements of Fraudulent Orders

4 Common Elements of Fraudulent Orders

Fraud Prevention | 2 min read

PCI Compliance: What is it and why should I care?

What is PCI Compliance?

The long name for PCI DSS is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. PCI DSS are rules and regulations that show businesses how to keep card data safe. These rules and regulations were put together by the PCI Security Stands Council which is represented by the five major card brands, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and JCB.

Fraud Prevention | 5 min read

Preventing Chargebacks

The transaction process typically occurs without a hitch. It comes immediately after the checkout process, which is when customers provide the information needed for the business to fulfill the order. The money required for the purchase flows from the customer’s bank account, or whichever payment method they used, to the merchant. In exchange, the merchant sends the ordered items to the customer.

Fraud Prevention | 2 min read

Protect Your Store Against Fraud with FraudWatch’s Screening Rules

As reports of cyber-fraud continue to challenge the eCommerce industry, merchants worldwide are taking proactive steps to protect their businesses, typically with the implementation of fraud-detecting programs that can cost anywhere from several hundred to a couple thousand dollars. With FraudWatch, however, 3dcart merchants can protect their businesses against fraud with a powerful application that won’t put a strain on their wallet, offering the same features and technology boasted by[...]

Fraud Prevention | 3 min read

Why Every 3dcart Merchant Needs a Private SSL Certificate

A lot of neophyte merchants get so caught up in the whirlwind process of designing a website, preparing product photos and descriptions, and marketing the business that they tend to overlook the grave importance of IT security. Just because you're not putting up a brick and mortar shop doesn't mean you don't need security measures to protect not just your business but your customers too.

Ecommerce experts will tell you one thing about this matter--- online store security begins with a SSL[...]

Fraud Prevention | 4 min read

Secure Your 3dcart Store With One of Six SSL Certificates

Fraud Prevention | 2 min read

5 Reasons Your Community Could Be Your Best Defense Against Fraud

For decades, maybe centuries, groups of neighbors have rallied together to form community watchdog groups. Through their combined strength, these watch groups have found success stopping criminals that might otherwise hit them close to home.

Fraud Prevention | 1 min read

Introducing Community Alert: 3dcart’s Free Fraud Protection Service

The 3dcart team has been hard at work and is excited to announce the launch of FraudWatch's 'Community Alert'— a free service that calculates risk based on the experience of other 3dcart merchants in the community. Community Alert is the first service of its kind in the ecommerce industry and currently in beta to current merchants.

Fraud Prevention | 9 min read

What is a DDoS Attack & How Can You Protect Your Website?

Have you ever worried about your website going down? Whether you run an online store or manage a blog, a downed site can mean lost traffic and business. While infrequent and short site outages are normal, some sites can go down for a much more malicious reason – a DDoS attack.

If you’ve ever been the target of a DDoS attack, or have witnessed one for yourself, you know exactly how debilitating it can be. But, what exactly is a DDoS attack, and how can you protect your website from it?


Fraud Prevention | 8 min read

Best Trust and Security Seals for Websites

Customers can be apprehensive about shopping online, and for good reason. The number of reported scams, successful hacking attempts, and instances of credit card fraud is increasing every day. It's also not helpful to a small business that so many scam websites pop up, which makes it harder for customers to trust any website they're not closely familiar with.

It's right (and smart) for online customers to be cautious. But for small online business owners, it can be a struggle to keep up with[...]

Fraud Prevention | 9 min read

How to Make Your eCommerce Website PCI-Compliant

What should your priorities be when setting up your online store? Ideally, you should give yourself the time and use the resources necessary to make sure that every aspect is optimized to near-perfection. With that said, some aspects are more valuable and deserving of your attention than others. If you do not get them right, nothing else you do with your store will matter.

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