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The land of eCommerce is a superficial place. Online shoppers are quick to pass judgment based on half-minute glimpses, and if they aren't impressed by a store from the start, they'll likely bounce without buying and never return. Knowing this has made the creation of a beautiful, streamlined website crucial for success, and if you're committed to being successful, your online store better be pretty.
Part of our responsibility as your eCommerce software provider is to adapt with the times and evolve when necessary. Not only do we, as a company, recognize this fact, we constantly commit ourselves to staying one step ahead of the technology curve. This leads to the creation and optimization of new and existing features as well as the overall enhancement of our software so it can become better, faster and easier to use. With that in mind, it is with great pleasure that we announce today the[...]
Business owners and entrepreneurs love to make money. And that desire to earn is the precise reason why so many of them have spent the past few months working tirelessly to get their online store(s) ready for the New Year. But now that the heavy lifting is over and the first quarter is finally upon us, what can one do to ensure their business is successful both today and beyond? The answer is simple… focus on customer service!
There’s a saying in the ecommerce industry, “a happy shopper is a[...]
Since the dawn of WiFi, the world of eCommerce has revolved around a simple evolutionary guideline… big fish eat little fish. Powerhouse players like Amazon and eBay have all but cornered the market, and that's made it increasingly difficult for ‘little fish’ to carve out a secure piece of the e-sales ocean.
Apps & Integrations | 6 min read
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