eCommerce Blog

Web Design | 0 min read

Smooth Beats HTML Theme: A FREE 3dcart Professional Design

Take a look at the preview of the newest theme “Smooth Beats” which will be the 3rd of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released in the coming weeks.

Shift4Shop News | 2 min read

Cyber Monday Markdowns the Black Friday Blowout Sale EXTENDED!

We decided to keep the sale going for Cyber Monday so you can take advantage of these great deals. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the eCommerce boom, you've already taken the first step by joining the 3dCart family. Now we’re going to sweeten the pot just a bit with a few Cyber Monday Markdown Specials just for you.

Shift4Shop News | 3 min read

It’s a Black Friday Blowout for New & Existing 3dCart Customers

As you probably know the 2014 holiday season is expected to be one of the biggest online holiday seasons in history. Online sales alone are forecast to jump 11% over last year to as much as $105 billion..

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the eCommerce boom, you’ve already taken the first step by joining the 3dCart family.

Now we’re going to sweeten the pot just a bit with a few Black Friday Blowout Specials just for you.

Web Design | 1 min read

Luxury Sunglasses Responsive Theme: A FREE 3dcart Design

As mentioned in our last post, 3dCart is being responsive to our customer base. Below is a preview of the new theme "Luxury Sunglasses"which will be the 2nd of 20 FREE professionally designed HTML5 themes released in the coming weeks.

If you would like to preview the live demo of this "Luxury Sunglasses, you can do so by

Web Design | 1 min read

3dCart Releasing 20 New Professionally Designed Responsive Themes for FREE

Being responsive to our customer base is important to us so 3dCart is listening. One of the requests that we get on a regular basis is for new themes to choose from that are current and responsive. We are happy to announce that by the end of 2014, we will have more FREE professionally designed HTML5 themes than any other shopping cart platform on the market today.

Starting December 2014 or sooner, we will begin rolling out 20 brand new professionally designed responsive themes to enhance our[...]

Shift4Shop News | 1 min read

3dCart Named One of the Top 50 Florida Companies to Watch

Launched in 1997, 3dCart, located in Tamarac, FL was recently named on the Florida's "Companies to Watch" list, developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”. In order to determine the top 50 companies to be recognized, judges from the University of Central Florida, Economic development organizations throughout the[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 5 min read

Google Shopping: The Shelves of the Ultimate Digital Store

One of the best internet marketing investments you can make is ensuring that your online store inventory is properly setup, optimized and monitored to be added to the most searched website worldwide, Google Shopping. The challenge is that it is difficult for you to run all of the aspects of your business as well as make sure that your Product Listing Ads on the Google Shopping network are accessible to the consumers searching for them.

We know the time and effort it takes to set-up, optimize[...]

Starting a Business | 2 min read

New Merchants Must Balance Form with Function

Starting a new online store is a very exciting and hectic time for Merchants. Whether you are an eCommerce veteran or starting your very first website, 3dcart offers a platform that is robust and flexible.

3dcart’s Technical Support Team often speaks with new customers who are excited about the many features available to them, but may be struggling to quickly prepare their site to go live. Certainly new Merchants have quite a bit to do, and one of the most crucial decisions they face is[...]

Digital Payments | 3 min read

3dCart Selected First Hosted eCommerce Platform to Offer Visa Checkout

3dCart has been selected by Visa as the first hosted eCommerce shopping cart platform to provide our current and future merchants with access to one of the newest payment service options available, Visa Checkout.

As a business owner, you know time is money, especially in today’s hyper-digital on the go world. The faster and more secure you can make the online shopping experience for your potential customer, the more likely you are to make a sale and gain repeat business for life. By adding Visa[...]

Shift4Shop News | 1 min read

Happy Halloween!

It goes by several names - All Hallows' Eve, Witches Night, Samhaim, Summer’s End - but we like to call it Halloween.

Apps & Integrations | 3 min read

5 Types of Mobile Shopping Apps You Need to Understand and Use

It's not just the digital age anymore. It's the mobile digital age. As almost everyone in the world is using a smartphone and living an on-the-constant-go lifestyle, it's becoming even more common for many to resort to their mobile gadgets for shopping needs.

Hence, as an online retailer, it goes without saying that you ought to be up-to-date with these mobile shopping apps. After all, they strongly influence people's shopping habits these days. Besides, you never know when you can utilize them[...]

Digital Payments | 3 min read

Choosing The Proper Payment Gateway For Your Online Business

Making a choice as to which payment gateway provider to use for your online business is not a trivial concern. This choice requires careful thought and planning.

Depending on several factors, the choice can make your business profitable or have a negative effect on your success.

3dcart offers you many choices in this regard. In some cases, too many choices can be daunting, overwhelming and create confusion. However, a wide range of choices also gives you the ability to make a proper, informed[...]

Social Media | 2 min read

Using Social Links in Your Store

Adding social links to your 3dcart store is a great way to drive traffic to your social media pages as well provide visitors a one-click content sharing opportunity.

So, which buttons should you place on your page? Well, start by adding Facebook and Twitter icons, the most widely used social media platforms, to your store. The iconic Facebook logo and the Twitter bird button will appear at the bottom of your pages, and link to your brand’s social media pages. From there, visitors can search[...]

Conversion Optimization | 2 min read

4 Major Ways eBooks Generate Leads for Your Business

When you see a book on the shelf or a friend gives you one as a gift, does it ever occur to you that this is some sort of marketing ploy? For most, if not all--- hardly.

Well, it's for this reason that a lot of online marketing experts agree that ebooks actually make wonderful promotional tools for ecommerce. After all, they're basically designed to inform or entertain, not sell anything. This is why you ought to consider coming up with your own ebooks in order to market your business[...]

Web Design | 2 min read

5 Important Reasons Why You Need a Responsive Online Store

Whether you're a newbie retailer on the Internet or you've been in the eCommerce arena for quite some time now, you need to seriously consider turning your online store into a responsive one--- A.S.A.P.!

These days, if you don't possess a responsive website design, you're not only going to lose numerous potential visitors and consumers. You're likely to fall behind your competition when it comes to SEO, conversions, and sales.

So what are you waiting for? Find out now why you ought to stop[...]

Fraud Prevention | 3 min read

Why Every 3dcart Merchant Needs a Private SSL Certificate

A lot of neophyte merchants get so caught up in the whirlwind process of designing a website, preparing product photos and descriptions, and marketing the business that they tend to overlook the grave importance of IT security. Just because you're not putting up a brick and mortar shop doesn't mean you don't need security measures to protect not just your business but your customers too.

Ecommerce experts will tell you one thing about this matter--- online store security begins with a SSL[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 1 min read

How Disqus Works

You have to keep customers engaged. You want them to return to your store and make a subsequent purchase. You expect them to tell their social network about their great experience with your store. But how do you make these things happen? And in the most streamlined manner?

Let us introduce you to your solution, Disqus. Disqus provides an interactive commenting platform for your site as well as connects your site to the massive Disqus enabled websites network. Disqus helps you build an online[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 2 min read

3dcart's Affiliate Program: 3 Ways It Can Benefit Your Business

If you still haven't applied 3dcart's affiliate program to your own online business, then you're missing out on a lot.

You've probably heard of many other businesses that utilize affiliates for their marketing campaigns. You ought to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to add to your marketing team without the need to make them into your employees.

On the other hand, maybe this is your first time to hear of such a thing. It's high time to educate yourself on affiliate marketing because[...]

eCommerce Features | 2 min read

4 Fantastic Benefits of 3dcart's Make-an-Offer Feature

If you're shopping online and you come across a product you really want but seems too pricey for you, wouldn't you feel excited if you suddenly saw that there's a Make an Offer button?

Surely your customers would feel the same. Any shopper would love to have the opportunity to haggle or get any form of discount. Hence, 3dcart's Make-an-Offer feature is bound to be a big hit among your own prospective and returning customers.

Don't worry because you don't have to shell out anything for this[...]

Shift4Shop News | 2 min read

The 3dcart HTML5 Responsive Template Engine Goes Live

It's final. It's spectacular. It's live!

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