eCommerce Blog

Shift4Shop News | 1 min read

Last Call for Beta Testers of the New Admin Interface

Thanks to all the merchants participating in the Beta of our new Admin interface.  We’ve been receiving great feed and have our development team actively working on these updates.

Success Stories | 4 min read

3dcart Mompreneurs Part 3

Apps & Integrations | 3 min read

May’s Featured Partner: Refund Retriever

Success Stories | 3 min read

3dcart Mompreneurs Part 2

For the month of May, we are celebrating hard working moms who use 3dcart to further their entrepreneurial journey. From startups to established businesses, these companies have one thing in common - they were started by multi-tasking, eCommerce-loving, passionate mothers.

Success Stories | 5 min read

7 Successful Mom-preneurs Online Stores

Shift4Shop News | 1 min read

3dcart version 6.6 update

This week, we went live with 3dcart version 6.6. The rollout is part of our continued strategy to bring our customers rapid innovation through agile software development.

eCommerce Features | 0 min read

20 Best Shopping Engines For Retailers

From Google to Bing to Amazon, deciding where and how to promote your products can be more than a little confusing. To help you make the right decision for your store, our friends at GoDataFeed have produced this valuable infographic that compares the top 20 best shopping engines for online retailers.

Apps & Integrations | 2 min read

April's Featured Partner: Searchspring

3dcart currently partners with over 200 ecommerce companies, and constantly adding new ones. These partnerships allow online merchants to expand the 3dcart functionality to specific business needs.  Each month 3dcart highlights a Featured Partner. For the month of April, the Featured Partner is Searchspring.  Our team interviewed Scott Zielinski, Searchspring's Co-Founder to help 3dcart merchants get an insight of their company and solution.

eCommerce Marketing | 4 min read

Clever Promotions to Engage Your Audience and Drive Traffic

Creating unique and engaging content is a great first step in building your online authority and driving traffic to your website. While this approach to inbound marketing will help you build a solid foundation that will continue to yield results, an ideal strategy will utilize a variety of other promotional tools so that you are reaching as wide an audience as possible and keeping content fresh. Many companies tend to shy away from running promotions because they typically involve offering a[...]

SEO | 3 min read

Is your store ready for Google's Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update?

Google's recent announcement in their Webmaster Central Blog, uncovers some details of their major algorithm update to be released on April 21st.

eCommerce News | 2 min read

Google Trusted Stores 2015 Update

One of the many reasons that Google has remained so successful through the years is because the search engine giant is constantly performing updates to deliver the best service to users. Those updates often cause problems for website owners when their online stores are not on a hosted platform like 3dcart, and they can't keep up with constant updates.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 2 min read

Three Shipping Insights For eCommerce Merchants

Guest post by Jose LiFounder & CEO of 71lbsWhat is the #1 source of pain felt by most e-commerce merchants? Shipping costs. We all need help reducing them. But how can the average merchant cut costs while FedEx and UPS keep increasing rates and the USPS threatens to close branches and slash personnel? Unless you ship at Amazon-level volumes, it can be difficult to gain leverage and cut a break with your shipping carriers.

Web Design | 1 min read

Monogram Town Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

Here is the preview of the newest theme “Monogram Town” which will be the 13th of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released.

Web Design | 1 min read

NYC Flat Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

Here is the preview of the newest theme “NYC Flat” which will be the 12th of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released.

Web Design | 1 min read

The Poster Service Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

The Poster Service Responsive Theme - #11 of 20 FREE Professionally Designed Themes from 3dCart

Success Stories | 2 min read

5 Great Looking Responsive 3dcart Sites to Love

At 3dcart we want to share the love for our customers, there are so many beautiful 3dcart stores that is hard to list them all, so we chose to showcase the below sampling of well-designed websites because overall they are doing ecommerce right – great navigation, beautiful product photos, compelling calls-to-action and responsive design.

Web Design | 1 min read

Taylor & Clique Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

Here is the preview of the newest theme “Taylor & Qlique” which will be the 10th of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 3 min read

Shipping 101: What You Need to Know for Your Online Business

By Ben Ocken, Associate Marketing Manager at EndiciaRunning an ecommerce business may seem as simple as producing and selling a fantastic product. But in order to be truly successful, you’ve got to know how to ship.

But shipping can seem intimidating, and it’s often hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve mapped out five key things you need to consider to get your ecommerce shipping off the ground.

Web Design | 1 min read

Decor Nation Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

Here is the preview of the newest theme “Decor Nation” which will be the 9th of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released.

Web Design | 1 min read

Gearhead Responsive Theme - New Updated Themes from 3dCart

Here is the preview of the newest theme “Gearhead” which will be the 8th of 20 FREE professionally designed responsive themes released in the coming weeks.

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