eCommerce Blog

Shift4Shop News | 3 min read

The Big Reveal: eBay Module and 6.3 Version Release

Today, we officially announce the release of 3dcart's 6.3 version with new features and upgrades for our merchants who wish to integrate his or her store with eBay and specifically the integration of UK's Royal Mail and Parcel Force. This is the 3rd version release for 2014. The 2 previous releases included, HTML5 Responsive Themes in beta, Amazon Product Ads automated feed, payments with Checkout By Amazon for US, UK and DE merchants, and multiple SEO built-in features like the rel="next" and[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

Use Sweepstakes and Giveaways to Drive Business

Everyone loves free stuff and some savvy merchants are learning that giving stuff away can bring in new business and keep existing customers loyal. As tells us, in this article, some online marketplaces have grown their follower bases by 14.4% and improved more referral traffic upwards of 140% by using sweepstakes, raffles and giveaways.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 2 min read

How Shipping-Related Refunds Can Benefit Your Business

Do you know that you can actually make money from FedEx and UPS for a change? Most of the time, a lot of online businesses that make use of their shipping services never find out that there may actually be refunds from these companies that they can retrieve.

Yep, you heard it right. You can actually get money from FedEx and UPS through refunds. You'll be surprised how much money you can save over time from even little amounts every month!

Conversion Optimization | 2 min read

Reducing Abandoned Shopping Carts in Your Online Store

On average, 75% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts and don't push through with their purchase. If you've been ignoring these potential buyers, you're missing out on a lot of business. 

Apps & Integrations | 3 min read

SureDone App Helps With the Ecommerce Process

The ecommerce giants will all tell you that it wasn't a piece of cake trying to make their way to the top. Lucky for you, the journey toward the summit has become less challenging because of various automated software available today to online sellers. 3dcart has always made it a point to assist merchants in tapping different online markets and expanding their businesses. This is why we offer a range of valuable apps that can help you in this aspect.

Through SureDone, you can sell your products[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 2 min read

5 Online Store Events to Keep Customers Engaged and Happy

Just because you're running an online store doesn't mean you can't also have your share of exciting events for your customers. Different events -- like product launches, contests and special giveaways -- are also effective for attracting new customers.

As an online retailer, it's important that you also host an event every now and then to keep existing customers loyal to your brand. Events keep your visitors interested and excited about your brand opens the opportunity to gain some feedback[...]

Apps & Integrations | 2 min read

Why Abandoned Shopping Carts Should Never Be Abandoned

Do you know that an average of 75% of online shoppers abandon their shopping carts and don't push through with the purchase? If you've been ignoring these potential buyers, you're missing out on a lot of business. 

Apps & Integrations | 2 min read

Using StoreMapper to Help Your Customers Find You Easily

If you have a physical store, you should definitely encourage your online visitors to drop by and check out your products. This is especially a helpful strategy to target those living nearby and those who prefer to actually see and touch the items.

It's even more useful to have a good store locator on your website if you actually have several different branches. After all, there are still plenty of shoppers who like to visit brick and mortar boutiques instead of buying your stuff over the[...]

eCommerce News | 2 min read

I've Heard I Could "Sell More"...

Sometimes companies create broad, and often arbitrary, marketing messages to pry new business from their competitors. As a 3dcart user, you have probably seen it: ecommerce software and shopping cart platforms boasting that their merchants “sell more” or that they’re "the best shopping cart” around. Some are cautious about their claims while others outright promise that you will sell more. But what measures are shopping cart software companies using to determine how their platform boosts[...]

SEO | 2 min read

Why Make the Switch to Google Universal Analytics?

Google Universal Analytics is an updated version of Google Analytics that promises more features and better insights for your business.

Here are some of the benefits of Google Universal Analytics:

Universal Analytics can collect data from mobile apps and other devices such as gaming consoles and even kiosks! With Google Universal Analytics, you will be able to track all metrics from your website and your mobile application in one account. The Universal Analytics cookie is able to identify[...]

eCommerce News | 1 min read

The Bright Future of eCommerce

If you’re thinking about what is next for your business, consider going online. eCommerce rose 12% in the first quarter of 2014 and is projected to surpass $150 billion by 2018. But don’t think going online means you have to sacrifice your physical store location (s). Your new online business should be a complementary extension of your existing brand. So what are the benefits of your new online venture?

eCommerce News | 2 min read

Net Neutrality - What Is It? Why Should I Care?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you couldn't actually access everything available on the web? What if some time in the future, you'll have to pay a certain fee in order to use Facebook or how would it make you feel if your Internet Provider told you that you're website was too busy, and in order to allow customers to continue to access your website, it was time to PAY UP? 

eCommerce News | 1 min read

Going Mobile - Jumping On the Mobile Bandwagon

It’s almost halfway through 2014 and if your online store isn't mobile accessible, you’re missing out on some serious sales potential. Ecommerce trends predict mobile sales, which increased by double-digit % over the last few years, to skyrocket online businesses into the black. Mobile shopping customers gravitate towards easy -to-find stores and stores that make mobile purchasing easy. Let’s get your online store on the highly profitable mobile bandwagon.

Shift4Shop News | 0 min read

The 3dcart Support Team - Working For You

Our support team works hard for you day in and day out.  Our Fort Lauderdale, FL based technical support team wanted to take a few minutes out of their day to say hello.  This is their video...

Apps & Integrations | 2 min read

How to Boost Your Online Audience and Increase Store Sales

Racking your brain for more ideas on how to grow your online business? Marketing your products and services on the Internet may seem like hard work, but it can be a breeze when you have the right tools.

Here’s a great way to fast-forward your success... by enjoying a marketing boost from BoostSuite, one of the 3dcart apps we're offering our merchants.

Success Stories | 5 min read

How Can a Gift Registry Help Your Online Store Sell More

Any gift giver seeks a present that would make the recipient glow with happiness and gratitude. However, this isn’t always guaranteed--- unless he or she is able to guess what the other person wants or needs.

With an online gift registry, it's easier to seal the deal. It's like a wish list that party guests, family members, and friends can easily access when buying presents for a wedding, birthday celebration, graduation event, and more.

Different 3dcart merchants have been expressing their[...]

Social Media | 2 min read

Google Authorship: What Is It? How Does It Work?

Would you like to be recognized online as a credible author? Perhaps you're also wondering why there are some articles that show up on search results with photos of the authors. Well, this is one of the perks of Google Authorship. It makes people believe more that you are an authority figure and that your website is legit and relevant.

Email Marketing | 3 min read

The ABC’s of Personalization in Email

Think of personalization in terms of the ABC impact:

All your customers

Because they want you to know and engage them

Customer happiness will cause conversion to increase (and your topline revenue)

Let’s break it down:

SEO | 2 min read

What is the New Google Universal Analytics?

Still a bit fresh out of its beta launch, the new Google Universal Analytics is no doubt making waves across the vast terrains of eCommerce. After all, it's the latest offering of Google for business owners who intend to monitor the progress of their websites and apps as well as track the activities of targeted web users across various platforms.

So what is it?

Google Universal Analytics is the upgraded version of Google Analytics. It's a valuable tool in gathering useful data for your[...]

Shift4Shop News | 1 min read

3dcart University Teaches Important Lessons in eCommerce

This month in 3dcart University we focus on designing the highest quality homepages, building your visual and blog site content, and how to handle a myriad of settings on your website. In marketing, we discuss exploiting the latest available tool in your e-marketing toolkit without alienating the customers you most desire.

Our designers go by-the-numbers with a series of articles to keep you thinking about customer retention and site content.

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