eCommerce Blog

Shipping & Fulfillment | 7 min read

How to Handle Holiday Shipping in 2018 Like a Boss

The holiday season is approaching, and 2018 is expected to be bigger than ever for ecommerce. Statista reports holiday ecommerce growth is projected to gain 15% this year. This means even more items being shipped between the peak months of November 2018 through most of January 2019.

To prepare for the holiday rush, UPS has hired 100,000 seasonal employees to handle the extra work, a sizable increase of 5.3% from last year. Rival shipping company, FedEx, says it’s hired 55,000 more workers, a[...]

Starting a Business | 12 min read

How to Start an Online T-shirt Business Today

The t-shirt industry is booming. According to some reports, t-shirt retailers can expect a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 11.5 percent through 2025. What's more, thanks to printing technologies, drop shipping, and easy-to-use ecommerce platforms,  it has never been simpler or faster to start an online t-shirt business.

So let's put t-shirt retailing in perspective. First, there is a lot of demand. The humble t-shirt is a staple of casual wear the world over. It's as likely to be[...]

Starting a Business | 4 min read

Best Practices of Using AI in E-Commerce

With the advancements in technology and the innovation of the internet, starting an online business is becoming increasingly more popular. These websites and companies can be extremely profitable and can have a much lower overhead costs than a traditional business. There are hundreds out there and they sell a wide variety of different things.

While they can be lucrative and quite worthwhile to run, it’s not always easy. When running an E-commerce website or store, it can be a hassle to find[...]

Starting a Business | 5 min read

5 Reasons Amazon Sellers Should Open Their Own Online Store

If you're selling on Amazon, you're already on one of the world's biggest marketplaces. If you're doing well, you might wonder what benefits starting your own online store can offer you. Aren't you already serving a customer base of millions?

Sure, but as it turns out, having your own website with an integrated online store will help your business in several ways, and not just by skipping Amazon's seller fees.

Here are five reasons you should start your online store today.

Holiday Shopping | 5 min read

Tis the season to be jolly! Holiday shopping and rewards

As per Deloitte’s 2017 holiday survey, holiday shopping season accounts for more than $1 trillion and more one quarter of annual US retail sales. Yes, it’s that time of the year when customers and retailers are all geared to put their shopping strategies, tips and tricks to play. Customers look around multiple stores and sites till they find, the best price or rewards that add value to their purchase.

Although retail spending grows overall in December, consumers tend to spend a smaller share of[...]

SEO | 6 min read

Understanding the Alexa Website Rank: Not the Digital Assistant

Long before Amazon released the Amazon Alexa Echo devices, Amazon acquired another company by the name of Alexa, one that provides commercial web traffic data and analytics.

Though the two companies belong to Amazon, and share the same name, there is no correlation between the two. In fact, there is some indication that the digital home assistant company had no knowledge of the commercial web traffic site prior to the release of the Amazon Echo. The digital home assistant was actually[...]

Social Media | 5 min read

The 3 Best Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Sellers (Plus Examples)

In the ecommerce world, marketers are constantly on the hunt for new ways to promote their stores while lowering time and effort investments and boosting ROI. In recent years, advertising on Facebook has become one of the most popular ways to do just that—and for good reason.

Facebook ads are overwhelmingly effective. So much so that 44% of consumers say Facebook influences their shopping choices. And 26% of Facebook users who click on Facebook ad, go on to ultimately make a purchase.

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

8 Ways To Get Referrals For Your eCommerce Store

In today’s world, eCommerce stores steal the show. In fact, they are popular by all ages, and tend to do really well even with their brick and mortar store fronts still around.

Part of the reason is because of word of mouth marketing. You see, everyone is always online and they are always sharing something. An eCommerce shop can use this existing behavior and can thus have multiple channels of promotion.

But, just because the channels are there, it doesn’t mean word of mouth will flow on its[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

6 eCommerce Marketing Tips to Drive Holiday Shopping Sales

It is that time of the year when all ecommerce store owners are busy forming result-oriented strategies for the biggest sale season of the year. And, if you haven’t still made a proper plan for the ecommerce saga, now is the right time to start focusing on the holiday season marketing strategy, as only one month is left.

Online marketing has changed drastically in the last few years. Focusing only on a single aspect of your ecommerce store isn’t going to make your store successful. You need to[...]

Social Media | 8 min read

The Facebook Ads Strategy That I Use To Generate the Cheapest Conversions

I have been running Facebook ads since 2014, but my Facebook marketing game then, is nothing like it is now.

After many years of practicing setting up and trialling Facebook ad campaigns, I feel I have now cracked the Good Ole Facebook code to getting bucket loads of targeted traffic at a very cheap cost; but it’s still early days and there’s still a lot to learn.

From all the strategies that I have trialled I have come up with one that consistently generates leads at an exceptionally low[...]

Web Design | 7 min read

5 Steps to Creating a Successful Website

There are over a billion websites on the internet today. Naturally, some are extremely popular while others are obscure. Some are designed better than others, some serve a wider audience than others, some are updated more often and are more accurate than others, and so on. You get the idea — there are consistent factors that affect a website's popularity.

But popularity and success aren't necessarily the same thing. A small online store that sells crocheting supplies may not receive millions of[...]

Email Marketing | 10 min read

10 Best Practices for Effective Email Marketing

We have experienced a tremendous increase in all the fields of digitalization, from social media platforms to email marketing. In the same vein, a lot of companies are seeking the best solutions that will help them to build their brand and engage their customers in a personalized way without significant expenses. Email marketing has been one of the incredibly powerful channels for generating leads and communicating with your customers and prospects.

However, with the stiff competition in this[...]

Starting a Business | 8 min read

Best Business Name Generators to Find an Unique Name for Your Company

Choosing a name for your brand or business can seem daunting. You want something unique, but still memorable. It should make some sense so customers can pronounce and remember it easily, but you don’t want to box yourself in, in case you decide to expand geographically or into new product lines in the future.

On top of all that, the name has to actually be available (and your company name and domain name should probably be the same, so you’ll have to make sure the domain name is available as[...]

Starting a Business | 13 min read

List of Best Dropshippers to Start Your Online Business

Ecommerce businesses are buzzing about dropshipping, and it’s not hard to see why.

By eliminating the need to stock inventory, dropshipping is revolutionizing the landscape of online shopping. Online business owners no longer need to stock the products they sell. Dropshipping allows them to partner with suppliers who will ship the product directly to the customer as soon as an order is placed. The product never even passes through the hands of the online business owner. Done and done.


Starting a Business | 14 min read

How to Create Your Company Logo & The Best Free Logo Makers

Creating a logo – and staying within budget – can be tricky for new business owners who don’t have the capital to spend on a design team. Luckily, creating a memorable logo doesn’t have to involve a professional designer.

In this article we'll give you 5 simple steps any busy entrepreneur can follow to create the perfect logo for a brand or business, the top 25 free logo creator tools, and design inspiration galleries to help you start your online business.

Web Design | 9 min read

The Best Homepages on the Internet in 2020

A great website is important for your business, and the homepage of your site is critical. Your homepage will be the first thing visitors see, so it needs to make your business attractive in every way possible. Appealing design, a user-friendly layout, and other factors all need to come together and present visitors with an outstanding impression of your business.

One of the quickest ways to discover what makes a great homepage is to learn by example. That's why we've collected some of the best[...]

Digital Payments | 8 min read

Why You Should Accept Cryptocurrency in Your eCommerce Store

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have no doubt felt the buzz surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrency. The rise of digital wallets is making way for more convenient and instant payment systems, and as a result, disrupting the way we conduct business. Given cryptocurrency is automatically converted into local currency for merchants when using a payment processor, accepting this form of payment can be pretty seamless for retailers. Despite this, most are yet to get on board.


Starting a Business | 6 min read

4 Ways You Can Sell T-shirts Online

There are lots of great reasons to start selling t-shirts online. Maybe you have a killer design you know folks will love. Or, perhaps, you're a custom t-shirt connoisseur looking for a side hustle. Regardless, you could be tapping into a market worth more than $1 billion in annual worldwide sales.

If you managed to earn even a tiny sliver of online t-shirt retail sales, you could do really well for yourself. But where and how do you sell t-shirts online? Here are four ways to do it.

Starting a Business | 10 min read

How to Write a Business Press Release (With Free Template)

A press release can be a fantastic tool for gaining media attention and informing the public about your business. A successful press release can result in articles from media sources, additional customer interest, and more sales overall. Since press releases have been modernized to keep up with the internet, they often have SEO benefits since they're visible online. A well-written, relevant press release can have a long-lasting positive effect on your business in multiple ways.

However, it's[...]

Conversion Optimization | 6 min read

How to Increase Your Sales on Amazon from a Top 250 Seller

Selling on Amazon means competing with over 2 million sellers pushing over $135 billion in goods each year. Whether you’re already established on the site or relatively new, increasing sales means using a combination of tactics to drive conversion, increase visibility, and to rise above competitors.

Chad Rubin, CEO of Think Crucial, is an Amazon top 250 seller with a decade of experience on the platform. His Amazon adventure began after college and Wall Street, when he began selling parts and[...]

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