eCommerce Blog

Web Design | 1 min read

The Art of Color Coordination

Close your eyes.

Success Stories | 2 min read

3dcart Store Spotlight: YogaHeart


Web Design | 2 min read

Introducing: The 3dcart Template Store

Creating design templates for 3dcart stores can help supplement a designer’s resume and bring in extra income (30 percent of every template sold).

Email Marketing | 4 min read

Successful Email Campaigns Calls To Action

Email marketing is an essential element in eCommerce marketing and but  has never been called easy. And one of the most important parts of a successful email campaign is the 'call to action' - the message that drives readers to the response you want them to complete. Writing an effective 'call to action' is part skill, part science. That's when we saw this extremely informative  infographic from the guys at, we knew wanted to share.

There was so much much useful information, we[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

Reasons to Use Content Marketing in eCommerce

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of creative, relevant content designed to attract your target audience. It involves creating and running an ongoing blog for the purpose of engaging with people and promoting your business’s goods and services. You can use this medium to speak to potential customers, address their needs, and show them how your product can be the solution to their problems.

Social Media | 7 min read

The Guide to LinkedIn for eCommerce: How to Maximize Your Presence

Starting an eCommerce brand may seem like a good (or even easy) idea. However, you’ll quickly realize that it can get complicated – especially in terms of getting customers through your virtual door. Finding your audience is an ongoing process and, unfortunately, at the beginning it can be painfully slow. Thankfully, there are ways to boost your brand’s visibility – and not all of them cost a ton of money. In the case of LinkedIn, promoting your brand doesn’t have to cost any money.

SEO | 2 min read

SEO FAQ #Infographic

SEO is confusing. Mostly because it is ever-changing. Once you feel like you have a good grasp on link-building tactics, Google goes and changes your algorithm and all of your techniques no longer yield results! So when we saw this SEo FAQ, we knew we had to share. We want to highlight out some important points:

1. Choosing Your Long Tail Keywords 

Long Tail Keywords are noted in the first portion of the infographic as having lower competition and higher conversion rate than general one-word[...]

Digital Payments | 2 min read

5 Mistakes Online Credit Card Users Make

Below is a guest post from Instabill, an online payment processor specializing in high risk merchant accounts.

eCommerce News | 1 min read

90% Of People Believe Brand Recommendations From Friends

Inbound marketing focuses on getting found by customers and not forcing them to look at you through advertisements (outbound marketing). Inbound marketing is permission marketing centered on relationships and natural SEO.As an inbound marketing software, Hubspot is obviously all about 'inbound-marketing' but they have good reason to be. The  impact word-of-mouth and customer reviews on online sales is immense! Just check out some of these facts:

PPC: Only 41% of people believe that ads ( Google[...]

eCommerce News | 10 min read

How To Prepare Your eCommerce Business for Going Global

Many eCommerce businesses set the goal of going global. Even the smallest business can grow enough that they set their sights on the worldwide market. After all, eCommerce is already about reaching an audience beyond the "local." So, going global can feel like the natural next step for a business that's already serving an entire country.

However, you shouldn't rush into going global. It might seem simple to start marketing your online store internationally, but it's not as easy as that. If[...]

Social Media | 1 min read

The Psychology Of Social Shopping

Holiday Shopping | 0 min read

Cyber Monday Infographic

Happy Cyber Monday! We hope that your online store's sales have soared this weekend! According to an IBM survey, online sales this past Friday were up 24.3% compared to last year, and those sales most likely will continue to grow. Last year's Cyber Monday was the the biggest day for online retail to date, raking in $1 billion in the United States alone!!

Conversion Optimization | 0 min read

Shopping Cart Abandonment Infographic

Social Media | 3 min read

How to Create a Google+ Brand Page for Your Online Store

This week Google+ finally launched their Pages feature, which allows users to create branded pages for businesses. Check out 3dcart's Google + page here!

Holiday Shopping | 3 min read

7 Tips to Prepare for the Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, ecommerce merchants are gearing up to make most out of the opportunity. But will this year’s sales meet our holiday expectations?

We are optimistic about this year’s holiday season. Despite the gloomy state of global economy, ecommerce sales have shown growth over the past few months. MasterCard Advisors’ Spending Pulse report estimates ecommerce retail sales to grow at 12-14% this year compared to last year. All signs point towards yet another windfall holiday[...]

Holiday Shopping | 1 min read

The eCommerce Infographics of Christmas Past

Since we're approaching holiday season, we thought it would interesting to look back at last years holiday shopping facts and figures. You may just be inspired to run a few holiday deals yourself! Here are our favorite infographics from last years holiday season!

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

The Right Way to Market Digital Products

Digital products aren’t just a way to make money online; they're one of the fastest growing, most consumed types of products available around the world. Available in nearly every industry and with endless amounts of options for monetization, digital products are one of the most effective and simple ways to generate constant cash flow for your business. In fact, digital products have become so popular many businesses exist solely from selling these intangible products — they’re no longer just[...]

Web Design | 9 min read

How Faceted Navigation & Search Can Boost Conversions

If your online store has a large inventory of products, it’s important to do everything you can as an eCommerce merchant to help customers find what they need from your site. Each customer shops differently, has unique needs and is coming to your store for a specific reason; one of the best ways to cater to customers on a personal basis is through faceted navigation and faceted search features.

Web Design | 4 min read

How to Increase Conversions with Site Search

Customers visiting your online store may or may not know what they're looking for, but it's safe to say that if you're lacking great search functionality, you're losing sales.

Many shoppers begin their online shopping session by typing into a site’s search box. The results they experience affect as much as half of the typical eCommerce company’s total sales. While shoppers who use site search comprise only 15-30% of visitors, site search users consistently convert 2x – 3x higher than shoppers[...]

eCommerce Features | 2 min read

How Wishlists Can Help Increasing Visitors to Your Website

Wish list offer retailers so many different ways of leading to a sale. Wish lists make it possible for people to come back to your site and find the products they want while also sending traffic through their friends and family who they share lists with.

In a nut shell here are three ways retailers can increase sales through wish lists.

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