Shift4Shop eCommerce Blog | eCommerce Marketing (7)

eCommerce Marketing | 5 min read

How to Market Your eCommerce Food Business

People buy everything online these days, including food. Eating isn’t revolutionary – everyone has to do it, and some people might even emphatically state that it’s their favorite thing to do. Marketing your eCommerce food business won’t be too complicated, because you don’t need to educate the customer or explain a new idea to them. All you need to do is get them hungry enough to open up their wallets.

The core points of an effective eCommerce food business marketing strategy merely involve[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 4 min read

How To Build Your eCommerce Brand

If you want to build a successful ecommerce business, then you have to build a brand. It’s easy to start an ecommerce website, selling is another story.  There are thousands of ecommerce websites created every week, only a small percentage will reach $100,000 in revenue. So, when everyone is trying to sell, how do you make your business successful? The answer is by building a brand.

Building a brand starts before you launch your business.

Your name will be your reputation and hold all of your[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

Beginners' Guide to Google and Facebook Retargeting

Here’s a scenario that may sound familiar: For one reason or another, you wind up on a certain brand’s website. Maybe you click around for a bit, curious about their offerings. Maybe you peruse their products or even add a few items to your cart. In the end, however, you click away from the website before making a purchase.

But lo and behold, you soon begin to see banner ads or social media ads for the very products you’d just clicked through, and the brand stays near the front of your mind[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 4 min read

Complete Guide to the eBay Promotions Manager

People shop on eBay because they're looking for desired items at the best possible price they can get. You know they're looking for bargains, so you can make your own listings stand out from the crowd with eBay promotions. All customers everywhere are more likely to buy when a promotion is in effect, and in fact, 75% of eBay customers are hunting for promotions specifically!

You can set up eBay promotions with the eBay Promotions Manager, which gives you several options. To get started, enter[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

10 Most Common Mistakes in eCommerce Business

Website development is a tricky concept that many retailers and businessmen are still trying to figure out.

Designing your own e-commerce website is definitely not an easy feat, especially if it’s your first time. E-commerce websites are not just a place where you find product listings and scores of catalogs. No, the platform offers customers a comprehensive shopping experience, and that includes the page design and payment options etc. as well. Building a shopping website is just the first[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

How Craigslist can help online stores drive more sales

In the pantheon of internet culture-defining websites, Craigslist ranks highly. You’ve probably used it in some way, shape, or form: to find a place to rent, recruit a guitarist for your band, track down a romantic “missed connection,” buy an inexpensive second-hand couch, even pick up a little extra work on the side.

Craigslist is just as infamous as it is famous, claiming a wide range of asterisks, especially when it comes to business transactions. Considering the marketplace isn’t highly[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 12 min read

6 Secrets of Persuasion That Will Help You Sell More

The power of persuasionseparates the successful from everyone else. Persuading others isn’t luck or magic - it’s a science.

Persuasion is important, and well worth learning, for every human being and not just marketers or sales reps. It is a part of our daily lives. From persuading our families to go out to eat, persuading friends to go out for a movie or persuading interviewers in a job interview, it is pervaded in our lives.

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

7 Ways to Increase Traffic and Sales with Content Marketing

Many merchants focus on traditional marketing campaigns to drive traffic to their existing content. However, taking a more natural approach to both attract and convert shoppers can provide a noticeable boost in your organic sales, and in the average lifetime value of your customers. Such content marketing efforts can complement and enhance your other marketing efforts, and provide an overall sales lift. Here are some examples of ways that you can leverage content to improve your bottom line:

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

10 Tips for Creating Eye-Catching Call-to-Action Buttons

As an eCommerce shop owner, you understand the importance of ensuring your user experience is frictionless. Unattractive or understated elements can turn away or even confuse users. When shopping or performing any action on your site, your customers may desire some kind of direction and guidance on what to do next. This is a fundamentally important aspect of good UX — creating effective CTA buttons can accomplish that.

eCommerce Marketing | 2 min read

Using Group Deals to Market Your Products

Did you know your 3dcart store comes with a built-in Group Deals module? With Group Deals, you can create a limited-time offer that requires a certain target number of purchases before the discount will be honored. This can be a very effective way of marketing a product, because it combines the urgency of a deadline with the incentive to share the sale with others. Basically, they are made to go viral.

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

Quick Tips for Effective Facebook Advertising

In the past decade, social media has taken the world by storm, with Facebook the most popular platform by far. Owners of brick-and-mortar and online stores alike have discovered Facebook as a great way to get the word out about their products, find new customers, and interact with fans. In fact, it's almost unheard of in 2017 for a business to not have a Facebook page.

eCommerce Marketing | 1 min read

Can Bing Ads Generate eCommerce Sales?

As an online retailer, how do you bring more searchers to your website? Especially, searchers that are ready to buy.

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

4 Ways to Write Blog Posts That Actually Get Noticed

So you want to start a blog. From both a content marketing and branding standpoint, that’s fantastic news! A blog is a resource you totally control and one you can use to express yourself, communicate with your audience, and promote whatever goods and services you have on deck.

The problem is this: with some 2 million blog posts written every day, how in the world are you going to stand out?

Lucky you, we’ve got 4 pretty good ideas.

eCommerce Marketing | 5 min read

5 Awesome Benefits of Google Shopping ads

Since their launch in 2010, Google Shopping Ads have steadily become an important part of successful eCommerce marketing. These ads have consistently proven themselves to be more effective than traditional PPC Google text ads, and businesses of all sizes are taking note. In the first quarter of 2018, 76.4% of retail search ad spending was directed to Google Shopping Ads.

Over the last several years, Google Shopping Ads have evolved into a profitable marketing channel for many businesses.[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

How to Win Back Potentially Lost Sales with Google Shopping ads

Google any product these days, and roughly 80% of your mobile screen will feature sponsored results. While text-based ads comprise a lot of this space, it’s Google Shopping ads, with their captivating images and price information, that are drawing the eyes and attention of most search users.

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

5 Tips for Optimizing Your Google Shopping ads

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

The ultimate primer to affiliate marketing

In the most basic and straightforward way to describe it; affiliate marketing is the name given to having your own band of loyal promoters.

eCommerce Marketing | 5 min read

5 Retargeting Tricks for E-Commerce

What’s the conversion rate of your shop? Around 2%? That’s more than likely, and it’s not a bad result. If you report higher rates, then good for you! However, if you report lower rates, maybe you should look into this issue.

eCommerce Marketing | 3 min read

How to keep Momentum after a Kickstarter Campaign

Kickstarter campaigns are becoming the norm for new products sold online. People love contributing to and sharing these campaigns to their friends, family, and social media followers. There is something about helping-the-little-guy that compels people to spread the word; to do their part to gain awareness of a new idea. But, what happens after the Kickstarter has ended and the intrinsic coolness and newness of your product wears off? You need to be proactive to continue getting your product[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 2 min read

Boost Sales and Traffic with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a powerful sales channel that when implemented correctly, can drastically boost sales for your eCommerce business. If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing, it’s a type of performance-based marketing where other websites will advertise your store. In return, you’ll reward affiliates with a percentage of every sale they send your way.

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