Shift4Shop eCommerce Blog | eCommerce Marketing (5)

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

What is Customer Segmentation & How Can It Help Grow Your Business?

Customers don’t want a one-size-fits-all solution from your business, and neither should business owners. Every customer wants something different from your brand, so by understanding and categorizing those differences, you can better cater to your customers in ways that they want. 

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

How to Drive Traffic with Brand Recognition

How much is your brand actually worth? 

While numbers in a presentation can provide some insight, there’s so much more to building a successful (and valuable) business than profit, loss, and the bottom line. One of the most important factors to consider when determining your brand’s worth is brand recognition.

eCommerce Marketing | 12 min read

How to Monitor & Leverage User-Generated Content for eCommerce

Marketing teams are the engine that sets any business in motion. Their main mission is to create and promote a company image that ideal customers would love. Highlight product features, and you stimulate sales as a marketer.

Thanks to marketing teams, companies can build a reputable and trustworthy presence both online and offline. That being said, they are not the only ones shaping company images.

Opinions and product reviews now have the power to make or break a brand. The online medium has[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

Why Every Blog Needs a Conclusion & How to Write One Yourself

Coming up with fresh content ideas and finally putting those concepts to paper via a blog post for your brand or business is tough. But, following through with the actual publishing of your blog article is even tougher. Not only does the whole process have to start with inspiration (and a good enough reason why), but it also has to end with enough a confidence that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do with your content. The best way to establish that is by writing a great conclusion that[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

How to Build Brand Equity in Your Business

Giant logo on your shirt or bag? No problem — as long as it’s a brand you’re passionate about. When they shop, customers will typically encounter generic brands that they’re relatively with settling for and brands that they know and love. The latter are the ones they’ll go out of their way to get, the ones they’re willing to pay more for, and the ones that they’ll even freely advertise for.

eCommerce Marketing | 12 min read

The Beginner’s Guide to Remarketing

Once you’ve built your online store, you naturally start to focus on building web traffic towards it. But what happens when users within that web traffic browse your store and leave without making a purchase? Through a remarketing campaign, you can build a strategy that regains those lost leads while nurturing your existing ones through dynamic, personalized advertising. Let’s go through what you need to know to start a remarketing campaign of your own.

eCommerce Marketing | 14 min read

Getting Started with Google Shopping on Shift4Shop

If you're running your eCommerce business on Shift4Shop, you should seriously consider setting up Google Shopping.

Shopping Ads show potential customers the exact products they are searching for, which makes them very effective. The biggest advantage of Google Shopping over other advertising channels is that they take a lot less work to manage. That’s mainly thanks to Google, which automates a large part of the work involved.

So today, we'll take a look at how to set up Google Shopping on[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

5 Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Site

Steve Balmer would have chanted “conversions, conversions, conversions” instead of his infamous “developers” chant had he been running a website and not been the CEO of Microsoft at the developer’s conference in 2006.

Why? Because it’s all about conversions in the online world.

And how does one improve their conversion rate? More traffic.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

How to Increase eCommerce Conversions with Video Marketing

From traditional TV commercials of the 1970s to today’s YouTube, video has turned into a staple of our everyday lives. Not only is it a convenient way for customers to consume content, but video marketing also offers businesses an amazing shareable medium to reach their target audience.

According to Inc, about 90% of people find videos helpful when deciding to make purchases and almost 64% of users are more likely to buy a product after viewing a video.

A new study researched by Cisco predicts[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Use Referral Marketing to Boost Your Sales & Sharing

Referral marketing is huge. No question about it.

The trick is to turn the happiest buyers into convincing cheerleaders of your business. And if a research report by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School is anything to go by, the resultant referrals are not only easier to convert, but they’ll also proceed to spend more than regular customers leads.

In the end, referred customers outshine their non-referred counterparts by 16% when it comes to the average lifetime value. Plus, the[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Build A Strong Ecommerce Brand

Do you know what Rolex and Starbucks have in common? Or Mercedes Benz and Apple?

Ingenious products aside, these are some of the most renowned and globally recognized brands in the world that most people want to engage with. 

Not businesses, but brands.

These brands invoke a sense of strong emotion and passion in their engagements and interactions that drives people to want to be associated with them.

This is branding – a strong intangible force that moves people. Being a brand is what has[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

10 Ways to Increase Sales Using Marketing Automation

When you start growing your business and reach a point where it expands rapidly, it will become difficult to manage and sustain customer relationships. Marketing automation can help you connect with your prospects through customized content that will aid you in turning them into loyal customers.

There are many phases in a sales funnel through which you build your brand image using well-structured marketing campaigns. The next step is to start generating leads by offering incentives to your[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

Top 7 Proven Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Product Sales as a Beginner

Hands down, affiliate marketing is the BEST way to earn passive income; it’s become the #1 way to earn money online for most bloggers.

If you’re a beginner and struggling to increase your affiliate product sales, this post is exclusively for you, where you’ll discover some of the proven ways to increase your sales in 2019 and beyond.

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

eCommerce Metrics that Matter: Advertising, Storefront and Shipping

Ecommerce brands have been using data to drive sales, reach new audiences and upsell like crazy for nearly two decades.

Now that it’s nearly 2020, every eCommerce brand should be using key metrics in three areas to build out success: advertising, storefront and shipping.

Emma Miller, Senior Editor at Bizzmark, calls metrics the “one thing that can make or break your online presence.” She goes on: “To succeed in the competitive online market, you need to set measurable goals, choose the right[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

7 eCommerce Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

You’ve worked hard to build your online store. Now, it’s time to build your eCommerce marketing plan to prepare for launch.

Since you’re competing against millions of eCommerce sites, you need to stand out. As you map out your strategy, here’s a list of top eCommerce marketing pitfalls you should avoid.

Preventing these mistakes will help you rise above your competitors.

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

How Will Digital Marketing Change in 2019?

Change is the only constant thing in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life” – Benjamin Franklin.

2019 is almost halfway over, and we’ve already seen many latest technologies, techniques and processes that are changing trends in digital marketing. In this guide, you will learn how to adopt these latest changes and grow your business. So, let’s dive in and see trending in 2019 for digital marketing:

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

5 Website Analytics Tools You Need to Power Your Inbound Marketing

One of the wisest lessons I’ve ever learned about inbound marketing was from Winnie the Pooh.

“You never can tell with bees,” Pooh said repeatedly as he unsuccessfully tried to acquire a nibble of delicious honey. In many cases, our marketing efforts are just as silly as Pooh’s, so long as we fail to measure the effectiveness of those efforts.

To paraphrase the bear: “You never can tell with digital shoppers,” especially in the world of ecommerce. Unless, of course, you’re prepared to measure.


eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Get Best Seller Rank in Amazon's Best Selling Categories of 2019

For any business to grow, the most crucial part is to know the highest demanded item and product in the market. On Amazon, sellers often get stuck with this question. Well, here is the answer to what you’ve been looking for – a list of the top selling product categories on Amazon in 2019 and some best practices to reach this goal.

eCommerce Marketing | 37 min read

eCommerce Marketing Strategy – The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business

The growth of eCommerce has made the internet into the world's largest marketplace. Billions of people across the globe go online, sometimes multiple times per day, to keep up with current events, post on social media, play games, and of course to shop! It's now easier than ever before for brands to extend their reach far beyond their local community and even nationwide and overseas. Since the internet brings everyone together, all your potential customers all over the world may as well be your[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

A Complete Guide to Using Reviews on Your Online Store

It’s easier to create an eCommerce store now than ever before.  Online reviews are crucial in order to stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Using reviews in your online store is simple and provides value to both you and your customers. These reviews allow for your customers to have a platform to voice their opinion, but it can also give an opportunity to provide customer service and improve your marketing efforts.

The value of online reviews for your eCommerce store

There are a[...]

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