Shift4Shop eCommerce Blog | eCommerce Marketing (3)

eCommerce Marketing | 18 min read

How to Personalize eCommerce Customer Support: 6 Elements to Automate

In 2020, as we were forced to fulfill our shopping needs online, personalized eCommerce customer support became increasingly important. It may actually save the day for some eCommerce businesses that are struggling.

In fact, all signs point to the future of eCommerce in 2021 being driven by customer service on a personal level.

In this article, we will discuss six ways to personalize the eCommerce customer experience to improve your sales and revenue.

eCommerce Marketing | 13 min read

Measuring the Success of Your Promotional Campaign

Ever wondered why you’ve never seen a large business such as Old Navy run the same promo twice in a year? Each of their marketing emails has a different offer.

Old Navy understands the value of measuring the success of campaigns accurately and quickly while tying them in tightly with daily and overall sales objectives.

To stay on top of the game, it is essential to understand and learn whether marketing and promotional tactics fulfill their purpose.

Below are a few tips and metrics – along with[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

How to Use Intent-Based Marketing to Drive Unique CX

The words “the customer is always right” is a phrase that every retailer knows all too well. And whilst in reality, we know that this isn’t always true, we do know it’s vital to make sure the customer is happy. In a modern world, this means making sure you can provide a unique customer experience that makes your brand stand out from the rest.

Intent-based marketing is an excellent way to do this.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

5 Ways Focusing on Brand Value Creates Revenue Growth in 2021

As a business owner, generating and growing revenue is a top priority. If your company's revenue isn't constantly climbing, trouble could be on the horizon. Like many business owners, you probably know many ways to boost retention and revenue already. If not, you're missing out on a powerful way to grow and scale your business. By making brand value a cornerstone of your marketing efforts, you'll see revenue grow consistently and effectively – even during uncertain economic times.

Even if[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

Top Lead Generation Statistics to Inform Your Marketing Strategy

In the online age, there’s a long list of things you need to do to survive. Lead generation is one of them. Marketing, and ultimately selling, isn’t as simple as it used to be. With so many businesses online, the stakes are high when it comes to getting people to opt for you over your competitors. The hard-sell approach is outdated and lead generation has taken its place.

Because the landscape of how people buy has changed, marketing has shifted too. Successful online businesses now focus on[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

Personalization in Social Media Marketing: 9 Tips

In today’s online marketplace, customers more than ever are expecting brands to understand and anticipate their unique requirements and present them with targeted, specific advertising that meets these needs.

This is added to by the rise in social media marketing becoming the go-to place to get your message across. By targeting people in the places they spend their time (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), brands can reach their target audiences in new and innovative ways.

But it’s not[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

The 15 Best Lead Generation Tools for Your Business

Leads are invaluable for businesses, no matter how big or small that business is. Leads are what allow you to grow, generate revenue, and give you vision for scaling down the road. While some leads are definitely better than others, all leads matter. Of course, if you could handpick your leads personally, there are definitely some qualities you would look for, including people who are actually looking for your specific product or service, and those who have been referred to you by your most[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

21 Best Free Photoshop Actions for Product Photography

Photoshop can be a great asset for any product photographer or business owner looking to improve their product images. But, without the right knowledge and skill, using Photoshop can seem overwhelming. Luckily, Photoshop actions can be downloaded and applied to product photos to instantly improve their look without much skill required.

These free Photoshop actions for product photography can be a big help for business owners who can’t afford to spend time on photo editing tasks. Whenever you[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Win-Back Inactive eCommerce Customers with SMS Remarketing

The ecommerce sector is rapidly expanding. By 2022, revenues from ecommerce will expand to $6.54 trillion, up from $3.53 trillion in 2019. However, the expansion of the online market brings its own challenges for businesses.

One such challenge is the fact that customers are offered many options for products and services. This increase in options results in higher customer churn. Companies often focus solely on attracting new customers, often at the expense of existing ones. While new customers[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Promote New Product Releases That Will Lead to Early Sales

New products keep your business fresh and promote engagement. They bring customers back to the store and get people excited about your brand. Plus, loyal customers will always be interested in your latest offerings.

This doesn’t mean that promotion of new products can be neglected. A carefully constructed release strategy is essential in the success of new merchandise. However, it is not just your newest offerings at stake. A strong ecommerce brand relies on the proper promotion of your latest[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

How to Edit Product Photos in Photoshop

High-quality photography is important for developing a successful business, as many customers are convinced to purchase a product based on its photos alone. If your product photos look unprofessional or unappealing, customers may turn away from your online store entirely.

Luckily, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to create great product photos. Photo editing software like Photoshop can enable you to improve any product image that you’d like to add to your online store.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

E-commerce & Interactive Content: The Perfect Match for Engagement

If you are looking to increase your online sales, it is essential to start paying attention to interactive content.

After all, you already know that the production of relevant content for your buyer persona is the pillar for a successful digital strategy – one that can attract, convert, and retain consumers.

However, the success of this kind of approach makes the competition for users' attention ever greater. In this scenario, only brands that can offer valuable and high-quality experiences[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

18 Best Free Lightroom Presets for Product Photographers

Without the right photo editing software and functionality, editing product photos for online stores can be time-consuming and difficult. Luckily, product photographers and business owners don’t have to spend day and night manually improving eCommerce pictures due to convenient alternatives like free Lightroom presets.

By applying these tools, you can easily enhance lighting, correct colors and white balance, improve contrast, smooth shadows, and more. In a matter of seconds, your images will[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

8 Best Photo Editing Services for Product Photography

Editing product photos as a business owner can take time that you don’t have – especially if you’re not a professional photo editor. Luckily, there are several photo editing services to choose from that can help you edit all of your photos.

In this article, we have reviewed numerous reputable photo editing services for product photographers and named eight efficient companies in terms of quality, pricing policy and turnaround time.

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

Why Every Retailer Needs a Website — Even Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Brick-and-mortar stores will always have their built-in market segment... but why not win over some online shoppers at the same time? Lately, more and more offline retailers are expanding into online markets to earn a little extra income. You no longer have to choose one or the other anymore — now you can have both.

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

5 Multichannel Marketing Strategies to Scale Your eCommerce Business

One of the biggest challenges in eCommerce is establishing and growing your presence across multiple channels simultaneously. Many sellers start out simply: a few listings on a third-party marketplace or a DIY eCommerce site to get the ball rolling. From there, expanding to new marketplaces and bolstering your B2B and/or B2C offerings introduces enticing new revenue streams.

While an omnichannel approach provides the greatest opportunities for sales conversions, it also comes with its own host[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

The 7 Best SMS Marketing Tips for eCommerce Sites

Did you know that there is a marketing channel with nearly 100% reach? It’s always in your pocket or on your desk, and you’ve probably sent a message with it within the last hour. It’s texting, and more and more companies are turning to text (also known as SMS) marketing in order to reach their customers while they are on the go.

eCommerce Marketing | 12 min read

Affiliate Marketing in 2020: Starting an Online Store Affiliate Program

Starting or running an eCommerce store is a promising and profitable online business. However, it takes a great deal of time, effort, and money to market your online store.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

The Best Affiliate Software for Referral Tracking

When it comes to successful online marketing, the best strategies always include some element of building trust with potential customers. With so few online shoppers ever having physically engaged with a product, trusting who they are buying from, and what exactly they’re buying, is critical.

This is exactly why so many companies have found so much success with affiliate marketing. Not only do affiliates help get your product out there, but they’re often a much more affordable option than huge[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

How to Hire eCommerce Marketers in 2021

So, you've decided it's time to grow your team! A very exciting time for any business. Your business is growing, and you need help on the marketing front to keep that momentum going.

"A lot has changed in 2020" is an understatement. But, not much has really changed when it comes to how companies are hiring. If you're wondering how to hire eCommerce marketers in a post- (during-?) COVID world, read on — we've got the goods.

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