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eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

10 Marketing Tactics to Increase Your Conversion Rate

While conversion rate is not the end-all-be-all in marketing, it is one of the most important metrics by which you can gauge the effectiveness of your site and marketing material. And, depending on what kind of conversions you are measuring, it can be directly linked to revenue.

Starting a Business | 7 min read

7 Key Tips to Building a Successful Cannabis Business in 2020

In the world of cannabis and its derivatives, the last few years have seen significant improvements in terms of legality and sales. With the pharmaceutical industry facing a substantial decline in recent times, people are investing less than they used to. That’s because of the innate nature of cannabis. However, compounds like CBD, which is a product of industrial hemp, does not cause of any intoxicating side effects when administered in the recommended amount of dosage.

eCommerce News | 8 min read

Ecommerce in a Post COVID-19 World: What Trends Stick, How to Avoid Fraud & More

It’s fair to say that those of us who have lived through the COVID-19 pandemic will see the world as a life before COVID-19 and life after COVID-19. The pandemic is changing our behaviors as individuals and is changing our behavior as groups. Nowhere has this shift been seen more than in people’s shopping habits.

Digital Payments | 7 min read

Consumer Finance and Its Impact on Your Business

The world of eCommerce is constantly shifting. As it is a relatively new industry brought upon by the development of technology and the popularity of the internet and mobile devices, it is a realm that is going to continuously see major changes as people make purchases and shop through a screen.

5 Types of Software Your Online Business Needs

Nowadays online businesses have started taking over the market. There are many ways through which your experience as a seller will become easier  when you shift your operations online like, it will be easier for   to reach your targeted customers and you don't have to worry about rent

However, the platform does not come without its barriers. Luckily, using the correct set of software can help you get around these problems without having to break the bank.

Here is a list of software you can look[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

How to Drive Traffic with Brand Recognition

How much is your brand actually worth? 

While numbers in a presentation can provide some insight, there’s so much more to building a successful (and valuable) business than profit, loss, and the bottom line. One of the most important factors to consider when determining your brand’s worth is brand recognition.

Starting a Business | 7 min read

Self-Hosted vs Hosted eCommerce Stores: What's Better for Your Business?

When you've got a great idea for an eCommerce website, you want to make sure that every detail is in place when you're ready to launch. Before you decide how your website should look and function, you need to find a reliable hosting solution.

eCommerce Marketing | 14 min read

Getting Started with Google Shopping on Shift4Shop

If you're running your eCommerce business on Shift4Shop, you should seriously consider setting up Google Shopping.

Shopping Ads show potential customers the exact products they are searching for, which makes them very effective. The biggest advantage of Google Shopping over other advertising channels is that they take a lot less work to manage. That’s mainly thanks to Google, which automates a large part of the work involved.

So today, we'll take a look at how to set up Google Shopping on[...]

Starting a Business | 6 min read

Are eCommerce Businesses Profitable? – Guide to Understanding Profit Margins

More and more people are using the internet to buy nowadays. Not having to go out to buy anything is among the many things that contribute to the preference of eCommerce businesses over others.

Conversion Optimization | 7 min read

10 Tips on How to Boost eCommerce Sales

The question “how to boost eCommerce sales” stings virtually every business owner, whether you’re a beginner or seasoned. Nowadays, there are a huge number of tips and tricks to impact sales rates. Some are more efficient and effective than others, so it can be difficult to determine the best strategy for boosting your sales numbers.

Before we began writing this article, we’ve thoroughly gathered consumer habits and the latest trends in eCommerce. Next, we analyzed them meticulously, which[...]

eCommerce News | 13 min read

What Is the CCPA and What Does It Require Business Owners to Do?

By now you’ve probably already heard about the CCPA, California’s upcoming privacy law which is being compared to the likes of the GDPR. Data law in general can be complex and bogged down in legal jargon, making it difficult to get an actual idea of the requirements and what’s practically required. In this post, we’ll dissect the main requirements and outline how you can meet them in a straightforward and actionable way.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Build A Strong Ecommerce Brand

Do you know what Rolex and Starbucks have in common? Or Mercedes Benz and Apple?

Ingenious products aside, these are some of the most renowned and globally recognized brands in the world that most people want to engage with. 

Not businesses, but brands.

These brands invoke a sense of strong emotion and passion in their engagements and interactions that drives people to want to be associated with them.

This is branding – a strong intangible force that moves people. Being a brand is what has[...]

eCommerce Features | 6 min read

Why Businesses Should Care About Uptime Guarantees

As an e-commerce business, you want customers to be able to reach your site any time of the day or night. So, what happens when your site is not available due to your hosting company? You lose sales and possibly customers.

Apps & Integrations | 13 min read

10 Tips on How to Select a Software Development Company

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our predictable normalcy upside down. The new normal has been a whirlwind of permanent changes that are happening very fast. One of the most significant changes has been the rapid digitization of businesses.

If you want to remain in business, you will need to digitize your offerings as fast and quickly as possible to stay ahead of your competition. The marketplace of firms offering services and products has drastically changed over the last six months.

If you[...]

Conversion Optimization | 7 min read

12 Ways to Combat Shopping Cart Abandonment on Your eCommerce Store

Being the owner of an online store, you must be familiar with the term “cart abandonment.” To put it in simply, cart abandonment refers to a visitor leaving your site without completing their purchase. Of course, this could be a detrimental experience for a seller.

The average cart abandonment rate can get as high as 65.23%. That’s right. But, are you familiar with the impacts it can leave on your website?

The higher the abandonment rate, the lower your revenue. It’s as obvious as it can get.[...]

B2B eCommerce | 7 min read

How eCommerce Can Increase Your B2B Sales Productivity

You probably don’t need us to tell you that the future of B2B is in eCommerce.

For one thing, the modern B2B buying process is becoming more and more digitally-focused as time goes on. Simply put, today’s B2B customers expect to be able to conduct business online—and it’s the company’s duty to make it happen.

But, this isn’t to say that these companies don’t stand to gain anything from “going digital.”

The truth is, the B2B companies that take full advantage of everything the world of eCommerce[...]

SEO | 9 min read

Your Secret to Selling More on Walmart: The Power of SEO

SEO for eCommerce is an efficient marketing practice used by all top marketplaces to decide the product ranking in the search results. As one of the league leaders of eCommerce, Walmart is also following this marketing trend. SEO for Walmart’s search results is somewhat similar to other marketplaces and is generally based on the most searched keywords by customers.

But, is it easy to climb to the top of the Walmart product ranking? Easy is really not an appropriate word while describing the[...]

SEO | 6 min read

SSL and SEO: Does Having a Secure Website Help with Organic Ranking?

Let us get one thing straight! Google alone considers more than 200 different factors before deciding the ranking of websites in a search engine result page, or SERP. One of the most important factors in this category is the security of the website. Your website’s SERP will depend on how much secure your online platform is for the users. The search engines like Google have been very intuitive in this aspect. It checks whether the website is safeguarded or not before so that the SEO ranking[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Get Best Seller Rank in Amazon's Best Selling Categories of 2019

For any business to grow, the most crucial part is to know the highest demanded item and product in the market. On Amazon, sellers often get stuck with this question. Well, here is the answer to what you’ve been looking for – a list of the top selling product categories on Amazon in 2019 and some best practices to reach this goal.

SEO | 7 min read

9 Most Important Steps to Improve SEO on Your Blog

There is a saying that goes, “if it wasn’t hard, everybody would be doing it.” This is so true when it comes to SEO; it’s something critical that cannot be achieved overnight. SEO is based on many different aspects of a website.

When implementing SEO on your ecommerce website, you will have to make improvements that can help your website rank better on search engine result pages. But, it takes a lot of effort to achieve this.

In today’s post, we’re going to discuss how you can improve SEO for[...]

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