eCommerce Blog

Customer Service | 10 min read

12 eCommerce Customer Touchpoints Your Store Can't Afford to Neglect

How you communicate with your customers says a lot about your business.

To drive engagement, burnishing those brand reputation credentials is paramount. But what’s the best way to go about doing that?

Starting a Business | 10 min read

How to Build a Strong Cash Flow Strategy for Your eCommerce Business

Running an online business has its challenges, and sustaining cash flow is vital. 

In simple terms, cash flow is the net amount of cash and equivalents transferred in and out of a company. How well you track and maintain it can make or break your business’s growth. 

Customer Service | 8 min read

12 Proven Customer Service Strategies for 2023

Are you prioritizing customer retention? Even a 5% increase in customer retention can shoot up your business and increase revenue by 25-95%.

Yes, you heard that right! 

Web Design | 10 min read

8 Types of eCommerce Images Your Store Should Have

Product images are essential for any eCommerce store. Authentic photos can communicate your brand values to customers. They also help potential customers visualize the products in your store. After all, these are images of products that they can’t physically touch.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 9 min read

7 Strategies To Improve Delivery for Your eCommerce Store

Customer expectations greatly influence the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape.

Their rising demand for efficiency is pushing business owners to improve delivery in their eCommerce stores by bringing down shipping costs and making the experience as seamless as possible.

Starting a Business | 9 min read

5 Legal Business Policies To Have in Place for eCommerce

So, you have a great idea for an online business. You’ve done market research, know current eCommerce trends, sourced the products you will sell, and built a snazzy new website to connect with your customers. You have also identified the best social media platforms to market your products, so you’re ready to get on the path to that first million, right?

Social Media | 10 min read

How To Use Social Media Data For Your eCommerce Brand

Your social platforms are an extension of your business. Within them lies countless amounts of consumer data.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing for eCommerce

The eCommerce industry continues to grow rapidly. And while it’s an enormous market, it’s also very competitive, so you must ensure you approach your marketing with the right tactics. 

Starting a Business | 10 min read

How to Responsibly Prepare for Inflation as a Growing eCommerce Business

Inflation is a standard economic process. But runaway inflation leads to steep price increases for businesses and their customers. 

Web Design | 8 min read

When and How To Start an eCommerce Website Redesign

It can be tempting to look at a website that’s underperforming and hope the problem resolves itself. However, that’s never going to be as effective as putting in the work to redesign your website — which is why we’re going to explore Commerce website redesign in detail.

eCommerce Features | 8 min read

Machine Learning: A Powerful Resource for eCommerce

For eCommerce businesses, face-to-face interactions with clients are almost nonexistent. Clients make their orders online, make payments through mobile money transfer platforms, and checkout without any human interaction. 

B2B eCommerce | 10 min read

The Ultimate Marketing Guide for B2B eCommerce Entrepreneurs

The global B2B eCommerce market is worth over five times more than the B2C market and is valued at nearly $15 trillion USD.

Customer Service | 8 min read

Why a Live Chat Customer Service Channel is Great for eCommerce

If you run an eCommerce business, what matters most to you? Sales and conversions? Quality products? Great customer experience and service? Of course, with global eCommerce sales totaling around $5.2 trillion in 2021 and expected to reach $8.1 trillion by 2026, the correct answer is likely all of them. You want to be sure that every aspect of your business is the best it can be. 

Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

8 Tips to Writing Effective Landing Page Copy for Your eCommerce Site

Many sales and marketing teams believe that good landing page designs are highly essential for conversions. While this is true, a study of 40,000 landing pages by Unbounce revealed that the most influential element in landing page conversion was the landing page copy.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 22 min read

2023 Subscription Box Packaging Guide: How To Choose the Right Design

No business has ever made history because of its bland, brown cardboard box packaging. Physical packaging is free real estate for your brand image that ends up inside the customer's home; it would be a shame to waste that opportunity.

B2B eCommerce | 13 min read

B2B eCommerce in 2023: Everything You Need To Know

Reports state that B2B eCommerce resulted in only 9% of total B2B product sales in the US. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed this scenario by revolutionizing buyer preferences.

Additionally, the closure of brick-and-mortar stores helped B2B eCommerce gain momentum. 

Email Marketing | 9 min read

7 Best Onboarding Email Examples to Attract New Customers

Despite the rise of social media and video, email remains the #1 channel for marketing and sales. That’s why it’s still the most preferred medium for customer retention and onboarding strategies. 

Starting a Business | 13 min read

How To Start a Fully-Remote Business in 12 Easy Steps

With the pandemic affecting everyone’s life in many ways, many people have tapped into the possibility of doing business remotely. The biggest misconception about establishing a remote company is how challenging it is to start. 

eCommerce News | 10 min read

Top 10 Trends That Will Shape eCommerce in 2023

The future of eCommerce is exciting, but marketers have a lot of work to do to stay on top of the latest trends and developments. 

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

5 Tips To Help You Win Back Lost Customers Through Targeted Content

Losing customers can be critical for companies, not to mention costly. In fact, statistics show that the cost of acquiring new customers is five times higher than retaining existing ones. 

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