eCommerce Blog

eCommerce News | 10 min read

Online Store eCommerce Trends You Need to Know About

Consumers are shopping online more, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Most of them are using online shopping methods for even goods that they previously never considered buying online.

In fact, 41% of consumers say that they are shopping online more than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. There is also evidence that this will continue. 68% of people said that they will continue buying essential goods online, even after these health threats subside.

eCommerce Features | 13 min read

Complete Guide to Gift Certificates in Your Shift4Shop Store

Every business owner wants to earn more customers and make more sales. Sometimes, though, this can seem like an impossible task. It can even be discouraging, especially if you're not growing at the rate you want. If you're already using the most well-known marketing tactics, and your SEO is on point, what else can you do? Are there any eCommerce tools you haven't taken advantage of?

Gift cards, or gift certificates, are something everyone knows about. But they're often not used to their full[...]

Customer Service | 9 min read

How Customer Satisfaction Impacts Retention and Revenue

Customer satisfaction is closely correlated with customer retention and revenue. Any business that wishes to continuously improve its sales and achieve new sales KPIs needs to adopt a customer-centric culture within its organization.

Starting a Business | 9 min read

7 Key Steps to Set Up and Market Your Amazon Web Store

A lot of time and effort is placed into creating and perfecting your e-commerce platform, but it is a mistake to direct all of your selling attention here.

People use online marketplaces as their go-to shopping destination all the time, and on some platforms, like Amazon, reselling is allowed, meaning that others may be making a profit off your products without you.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 9 min read

Guide to 3PL - Third-Party Logistics

Running a successful eCommerce business is a ton of work. You have to set up and maintain a website, find great products to sell, market your business, and keep your customers happy. A big part of that is making sure you get items into your customers' hands safe and sound. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done.

Many eCommerce owners start out by shipping their own items. For a little while, this can work out well. However, as a store grows, it can quickly become overwhelming to[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 8 min read

How Important is FBA for Success on Amazon?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service for Amazon sellers in which Amazon handles the storage of inventory, and the picking, packing, and shipping of orders.

FBA has evolved far beyond what it was in 2006, when it was first introduced to sellers. James Thomson, Amazon’s first-ever account manager for FBA, even remembers giving tours of Amazon’s flashy fulfillment centers back in the day.

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

Highest Paying Affiliate Programs for Marketers

Affiliate programs are some of the best ways to make money online. It’s a simple system where you recommend and promote products to other people and get paid if they make a purchase. Loads of affiliate programs exist, but which ones are the best for marketers?

Starting a Business | 10 min read

Best Restaurant Website Builders for Take-Out and Delivery Orders

Are you a restaurant owner who wants to accept online take-out and delivery orders?

Maybe you're suffering from revenue loss because of lockdown. Or maybe even before COVID-19, you wanted to offer delivery and take-out to attract more customers.

As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues, many restaurants have had to adapt to new methods of communicating with their customers. These methods are primarily online.

You could always go with a delivery app, but these have problems of their own.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

Best Grammar Checkers & Grammarly Alternatives for Content Writers

Writing is hard enough on its own. Add in the need to make it sound good and without any grammar mistakes, and it’s easy to understand why so many people feel intimidated about publishing anything — whether it’s a blog post or an eBook.

And, if you’re a content writer, the pressure is on even more because your writing is your reputation. Each mistake is even more costly, which is why using the right writing tools, like grammar checkers, can make all the difference.

Starting a Business | 12 min read

How to Sell on Depop – A Beginner’s Guide

Do you have items laying around at home that you want to sell online? Or, do you have a collection of handmade products that you'd like to start selling? If so, then you may have thought about selling on Depop.

Selling something on any new platform can seem confusing and overwhelming, but don’t be discouraged.

In this article, we are going to show you exactly how to sell on Depop step-by-step with a fresh new account to help you, whether you're completely a beginner or not.

eCommerce Features | 10 min read

7 Tips to Improve Ecommerce Curbside Pick-Up Operations

Buying products online has completely revolutionized the shopping experience. Modern-day tech means we can watch TV while scrolling through our favorite online brand’s site. All from the comfort of our sofa.

Conversion Optimization | 9 min read

5 trust-building tips to move more visitors through your ecommerce funnel

Consumers understand that there are inherent risks when shopping online, and are particularly concerned about shopping at unfamiliar websites.

In hopes of preventing disasters like identity theft, stolen credit card information, and hacked devices, many consumers take care to thoroughly research the sites they shop at, and many find reasons not to complete a purchase. So many, in fact, that the average ecommerce shopping cart abandonment rate is as high as 69.57% according to the Baymard[...]

Online Tools | 17 min read

The 13 Best Project Management Tools for Online Teams

Whether you manage an online team or are part of one, theres always room for improvement in terms of keeping everyone organized and on task. And with more and more businesses choosing to operate virtually, making your online team more effective isnt just a nice idea its critical in keeping your business moving in the right direction. Thankfully, there are plenty of project management tools that online teams can leverage in order to accomplish a variety of things, from streamlining projects[...]

Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

4 Ways Headless Commerce Optimizes the Customer Experience

To stay ahead of the competition, ecommerce companies are striving to provide customers with the best omnichannel experiences. Smart businesses always look for new opportunities to reach out wherever possible. This can mean a variety of new strategies.

Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

5 Tips to Use Your Out-of-Stock Product Pages to Boost Sales

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much prep you do, items go out of stock. Of course, it’s great that the product was so popular. But, for a customer who had their heart set on that item, it can be a real let down with an obvious repercussion being that you won’t be able to turn them into returning customers. Or they will be put off from getting anything else.

Email Marketing | 7 min read

5 Automated Emails to Increase ROI

"Is email marketing dead?" I know people are searching Google for an answer to this question every year. But for the moment, let your search engine, fingers, and keyboard rest. Email marketing is very much alive. Better yet, if you understand how to use it, it's a powerful tool for increasing your ROI (return on investment).

eCommerce Features | 10 min read

Best Practices for Handling Discontinued Products Without Hurting SEO

Consider the following: a product on your site has become unavailable. This product may simply be out of stock, or it may never be sold again. However, that product’s page has historically brought your website valuable traffic and conversions. How can you maintain that value, even without selling that product anymore?

Online Tools | 14 min read

10 Effective Ways to Increase Productivity When Working From Home

Working from home wasn’t taken seriously in the past, was it? However, the times are changing, and the COVID-19 outbreak became the final straw. Due to the social distancing requirements, thousands of employees had to start working from home even if it was a whole new thing to them. 

Starting a Business | 7 min read

A Guide to Effective Online Sales Meetings

42% of the U.S. labor force is nowworking from home.

Fraud Prevention | 8 min read

The Best Free Ad & Pop-Up Blockers for Safe Internet Browsing

The internet has always been a double-edged sword. While it’s capable of bringing people together and putting everything right at your fingertips, it’s also just as powerful at using all of those things against you.

Being online means that you are simultaneously powerful and vulnerable. And, unfortunately, being taken advantage of online has become more and more common, especially as technology advances. Of course, while there are plenty of bad actors out there online (and there always have[...]

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