eCommerce Blog

Fraud Prevention | 6 min read

What is EMV® 3-D Secure and How Does it Improve eCommerce Security?

Security is a vital component of eCommerce, especially since the risk of fraud can be high. Digital shopping relies on card-not-present transactions, meaning the customer's identity is much harder to verify than in-person transactions. To counteract these risks, other methods have been developed to verify that a digital transaction is legitimately being performed by the true cardholder, and not by a fraudster using stolen information.

The EMV 3-D Secure (commonly known as 3-D Secure 2.0)[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 5 min read

Instant Message Marketing Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales

“Instant message marketing” is a term you don’t often come across in digital marketing guides.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s in any way inferior compared to other marketing methods.

In fact, if you Google the phrase “instant messaging marketing” right now, you’d still get about 22.4 million results. This means marketers are still catching on to this fairly new frontier.

Compared to popular areas of online marketing like email marketing automation, instant messaging marketing is definitely[...]

Starting a Business | 22 min read

The Best eCommerce Business Tips from Moms

Mothers already have a lot to do, but that doesn't mean you can't start your own business! While there are plenty of obstacles inherent in running a business while raising kids, millions of moms around the world are successfully balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship, and carry the proud title of Mom-preneur. But how do they manage to do it all?

In celebration of Mothers' Day this year, we reached out to Mom-preneurs in all types of eCommerce industries to learn their stories and find out[...]

SEO | 17 min read

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Product Page SEO

If you sell products online, I bet the following thought has crossed your mind more than once:

“How can I get consistent (and hopefully free) traffic to my product pages?”

The answer, of course, is search engine optimization, or ecommerce SEO in this case. Given time and effort, optimizing your product pages is truly worth it.

A study conducted by Chitika revealed that the first result on Google searches receives almost double the impressions of the second result.

Almost double!

The higher[...]

Social Media | 6 min read

4 Keys to eCommerce Success with Influencer Marketing

In today’s low-trust world, social proof matters.

Millennials currently tout the greatest buying power among generations, but they don’t trust traditional advertising. So, if conventional adverts are an ineffective strategy for capturing consumer dollars, how can eCommerce brands reach target audiences to increase sales?

Influencer marketing is a strategy that has become revered for its effectiveness in increasing brand awareness, boosting engagement, and driving sales. A Twitter-sponsored study

Fraud Prevention | 5 min read

7 Easy Tips to Secure Your Online Store Without Breaking the Bank

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is a saying that you’ve probably heard time and time again throughout your life. On a fundamental level all of us know that it is true. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Isn’t it better to be prepared for something that doesn’t happen as opposed to not being prepared for something that does? This is the same mentality you need to have when it comes to protecting your eCommerce store.

If you don’t take the time now to create the[...]

eCommerce Features | 6 min read

How to Carry Out a Website Audit for an eCommerce Business

Website audits are crucial aspects of doing business properly, especially in eCommerce. These audits are designed to cover several areas of your business, including SEO, content, CRO, performance, supply chain, platform analysis, and more. An audit is the perfect opportunity for you to see each component, evaluate it properly, and discover issues and areas where you can improve. The results will turn into a map you can use to optimize your business.

Your audit should be focused on what’s going[...]

eCommerce News | 6 min read

5 People You Need to Hire to Make Your eCommerce Company Thrive

Whenever you hear about a successful eCommerce company, there is often one thing that sets them apart: the people. While you must have heard it many times before, the people behind your company are the ones who make everything work (or not work!). That’s why it makes sense to hire people who will be conducive to your company’s success.

Unfortunately, some eCommerce companies don’t realize just how important it is to have the right staff on board. They consequently miss out on the chance to take[...]

Social Media | 6 min read

How to Grow Your eCommerce Brand with YouTube Advertising

Do you remember when a bright picture evoked wonders in the mind; back when we were first introduced to the concept of the internet as a place where text wasn’t the only resident, but colorful digital images as well?

Maybe you do and maybe you don’t. The point is that the days when images reigned supreme are long gone. Do you know why? It’s simple, really. Whereas a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million.

It makes sense too—a video is a collection of images that come[...]

B2B eCommerce | 8 min read

How B2B eCommerce Retailers Can Use Personalization to Boost Online Sales

There’s been a lot of fuss about personalizing your customers’ experiences.

MarTechAdvisor found that a personalized web experience can increase sales by 19%. And more people crave personalization too.

Studies found that 73% of B2B buyers want personalized experiences, similar to the B2C-like customer experience. Additionally, 71% of B2B buyers believe customers increasingly crave B2C-like experiences with faster response times and 24/7 availability—however, nearly half (49%) believe that[...]

Fraud Prevention | 5 min read

4 Types of Common E-commerce Fraud and How to Avoid Them

There are a lot of benefits that come from deciding to start a business online. There are number of benefits that come from deciding to move from a strictly brick-and-mortar operation to one that offers products and services online. There are also a number of risks.

The risk of online fraud is drastically different than the traditional fraud risk retailers experience in a brick-and-mortar business. A lot of this risk stems from the fact that you do not see the individual who is at the other end[...]

Conversion Optimization | 8 min read

How to Create a Mobile App Strategy For eCommerce Businesses

There has never been a better time for mobile eCommerce. You can now shop the latest UK fashions while sitting in the US, or order lunch via Uber Eats while stuck at the office. Mobile is increasingly the preferred touchpoint shoppers have with a retailer. At the same time, eCommerce companies are reaping major rewards on the mobile side. It’s a win-win.

If your eCommerce company offers a mobile app to customers, you’ve picked the perfect time to take advantage of this opportunity for your[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

Earth Day Marketing Tips from Environmentally-Friendly Businesses

We're sure you're aware of 3dcart's passion for eCommerce, but you might not know how much we also love our Earth. Our office is located in South Florida right by the edge of the Everglades, and water birds are a common sight just outside our back door.

With surroundings like these, it's no wonder we have such an appreciation for our natural world — and whenever we get a chance to bring eCommerce and the environment together, we can't resist!

That's why we've reached out to [...]

Social Media | 7 min read

How to Use Social Data to Launch a Successful Marketing Campaign

Recently, the number of social media users from across the globe has reached 2.77 billion. The number is expected to exceed 3.02 billion by 2021, according to Statista:

Image credit: Statista

Taking into account both how fast these numbers are expected to grow and how enormous social media user bases have already become, it would be foolish not to start using these platforms for marketing as soon as possible.

However, no matter how beneficial social media can be for a business, it’s not all[...]

eCommerce News | 5 min read

Common Pitfalls of eCommerce Platform Migration (And How to Avoid Them)

I recently finished moving into a new apartment. It was the culmination of a two-month process which was stressful, complicated, and time-consuming. In the end, it was worth it. I’m in a nicer apartment now, in a better neighborhood. Nobody moves because it’s fun or easy. They move because they know they need to.

eCommerce platforms work exactly the same way. If you’re considering moving your store from one platform to another, you have a bumpy transition ahead of you, but the benefits you’ll[...]

Conversion Optimization | 8 min read

7 E-Commerce Metrics that Demand Your Attention

E-commerce is serious business.

The knowledge you acquired from books, formal education, or online courses — none of those is guaranteed to work for you unless you have the data to prove otherwise.

Remember, e-commerce is an extremely competitive landscape that leaves no room for half-baked ideas and guesstimates.

Whatever strategy you’ve planned, you need to have a reliable means of tracking, analyzing, and converting data into actionable steps.

In this post, we’ll talk about seven of the most[...]

Web Design | 6 min read

4 Fundamentals of eCommerce Design

It’s likely that you have visited an eCommerce store in the past few months.

If we were to ask you to describe how it looked, could you? Probably not...

But if we asked you how it made you feel, it’s likely you could tell us if you trusted the site, if it looked visually appealing, whether or not it worked well on your mobile device, or if it was easy to navigate.

The way that an eCommerce store makes us feel is important. It’s usually the way that we feel about the store that impacts whether[...]

SEO | 7 min read

How Trade Show Marketing Can Help Improve Your SEO Results

At one time, search engine optimization (SEO) was all about playing to an algorithm. With tiny scraps of information from Google, marketers crafted broad-spanning but formulaic SEO strategies, hoping their sites would rank higher.

The world’s biggest search engine has evolved greatly since the days of simply appeasing an algorithm. While that’s still important, the Google of today is mostly concerned with encouraging a better user experience. That means the engine now favors websites that[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

Ecommerce Marketing Tips from Online Health Businesses

Everyone wants to be healthier. For some, it's about building the strength and stamina needed to excel in a favorite sport. For others, it's the desire to kick bad habits and create positive change that will boost self-esteem and overall well-being. Others search for a way to manage symptoms of a chronic condition, or otherwise improve their quality of life. There are thousands of possible motivators for a healthy lifestyle, and your own health and fitness goals can relate to any or all of them!

Web Design | 7 min read

How the Fusion of CRO and Web Design Will Take Your Site to the Next Level

A great website is the perfect calling card for most businesses. Sometimes you have a site that serves purely as a digital business card. Sometimes it’s to generate leads. Of course, for eCommerce businesses, sometimes the site is your actual storefront.

At any rate, you usually start with a great design. A logo here, a carousel banner there, and then some concerted effort in writing the content. Once your site is ready, you might even decide to invest time and effort in drumming up traffic to[...]

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