eCommerce Blog

eCommerce News | 6 min read

How to Write The Best Replatforming RFP for your eCommerce Business

If you were perfectly happy with your current eCommerce platform, chances are you wouldn’t have started reading a post with this title. Therefore, you weren’t brought here aimlessly, so we are duty-bound to help you through the preparations for replatforming. Looking for a top-tier, enterprise-grade eCommerce software for your online store requires a few crucial questions to be answered upfront.

When it comes to the RFP (Request for Proposal), views vary on whether this document ought to be[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

A Complete Guide to Using Reviews on Your Online Store

It’s easier to create an eCommerce store now than ever before.  Online reviews are crucial in order to stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Using reviews in your online store is simple and provides value to both you and your customers. These reviews allow for your customers to have a platform to voice their opinion, but it can also give an opportunity to provide customer service and improve your marketing efforts.

The value of online reviews for your eCommerce store

There are a[...]

eCommerce News | 8 min read

Ecommerce Growth Statistics That Affect Your Business

For all businesses professionals, it’s necessary to be aware of the current market conditions. Many things are drastically disrupting the business arena, and one of those things is the rise of an eCommerce industry.

You must have heard of how Amazon is a threat to many businesses. Some of the top companies that went out of the market due to the rise of eCommerce are SEARS, American Apparel, Toys “R” Us, and so on. If you’re unaware of what’s going on in an eCommerce industry, your business[...]

eCommerce News | 15 min read

World Environment Day: Tips from Eco-Friendly Online Stores

World Environment Day is an annual holiday created by the United Nations, in which participating countries come together to discuss and implement solutions for environmental issues affecting the Earth. However, you don't have to have global reach to start helping the environment — in fact, the biggest difference always starts on a local level, among homeowners, and of course, small businesses!

We know millions of business owners worldwide are seeking ways to reduce their environmental impact[...]

eCommerce News | 5 min read

5 eCommerce Trends That Will Drive Sales in 2019

Commerce is an ever-changing industry due to the nature of innovation that surrounds it – from traditional brick-and-mortar storefronts to door to door sales tactics or promoters hounding consumers at malls, commerce has evolved into an omnipresent entity, present in all forms and on all platforms, both online and off.

From the clothes you wear to the devices you choose to purchase, it is all influenced in one way or another by marketing, mainly through technology – the social media platform[...]

Shift4Shop News | 17 min read

Your Complete Guide to Affordable Enterprise Ecommerce Software

High-volume eCommerce stores need an advanced solution to handle the increased traffic and sales of a successful business. That's why many popular eCommerce platforms offer enterprise plans to support the massive activity a large online business can generate. But not all enterprise eCommerce plans are affordable to the businesses that need them.

SEO | 6 min read

8 Ways SEO Should Influence Your Marketing Copywriting

In the world of inbound marketing, your content is your business and your calling card. Your effectiveness as an inbound marketer relies on the quality of your content, which is what helps you get found online, build trust with your readers, educate and inform them, build a pathway to conversions, and sustain ongoing and profitable relationships with loyal customers for years to come.

But, for content to truly be successful, marketers must think like SEOs to ensure that content gets found[...]

Email Marketing | 14 min read

Why You Should Use a Marketing Automation Platform for your eCommerce Store

Are you planning to start your own eCommerce business, or do you already have one and are debating whether or not you need a marketing automation platform?

Well, the truth is, you need it more than you can imagine.

So, read on because we’re about to analyze all the reasons why marketing automation is vital for your eCommerce store. And, by the end of this article, you’ll have a clear image on how to utilize it for your own business.

Before we get all geeky for all the aspiring/new eCommerce[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 16 min read

Dropshipping: The Least Expensive Way to Start an Online Store

The internet has changed so much about the way we consume products. All kinds of niches for products and services once impossible to find are now as easy to reach as a simple Google search. Thanks to various tools, software, and algorithms, customers can receive a more personalized shopping experience than in the physical world. Similarly, social media and other technologies greatly facilitate communication between business owners and their patrons. These are just a few out of many examples.


Shipping & Fulfillment | 7 min read

How to Use Delivery Date Estimates to Beat Your Competition

In the perfect world of online ordering from the comfort of your home, one of the biggest concerns customers have is when they’ll get their order, and, with most stores, determining that delivery date can be a confusing mess at best. In order to remain competitive, online stores are offering more variety and speed with their shipping methods, but are leaving out one key factor: Estimated Delivery Dates. According to a checkout usability study done by Baymard Institute, users greatly prefer[...]

SEO | 12 min read

6 Exclusive SEO Tips From Thousands Of 1st Page Websites

Have you started an online store, only to realize that opening day was only half the battle?

Once you’ve set up shop, how long did it take you to rank on the first page of Google for a product or keyword vital to you?

If you’re like most website owners, the minimum time to start ranking for a product with your new website is 12 months. Most times, it can take 24-36 months.

And how would you feel if, after 12-36 months, you realize you’ve done your SEO all wrong and need to start completely over[...]

Conversion Optimization | 6 min read

4 Psychological Triggers Proven to Increase Site Conversion

One of the most crucial objectives that content marketers consider when producing content is to make it go viral.

After all, the more your audience read, comment, and share your content, the closer you get to achieving your ultimate objective — to generate sales.

And so the question becomes…

“What makes content go viral?”

“How do you create a piece of content that your audience will love and share?”

The short answer to this question is “Value.”

Your content needs to provide value to your[...]

Web Design | 14 min read

10 Must-Have Practices for Your eCommerce Website Search

When it comes to on-site search, many eCommerce marketers and business owners overlook it as an important sibling of SEO-optimization. Marketers and owners put significant resources into search engine optimization and creating effective AdWords campaigns, but completely forget about the feature that is literally in front of their faces.

What is one of our first experiences as consumers with an eCommerce website? We go straight to the search box to find what we need. Website visitors using[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 7 min read

6 Essential Dropshipping Features Your Online Store Needs

eCommerce businesses come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. Some online stores are humble one-person efforts, started and run by entrepreneurs for fun and profit. Others are larger endeavors with larger teams that offer services rather than products. The internet is home to so many different types of eCommerce sites that operate with just about any kind of business model you can name or conceive.

That includes dropshipping, an increasingly popular method for making money on the World Wide Web.[...]

Conversion Optimization | 7 min read

11 Ways to Leverage eCommerce to Boost Your Organization

More than 1 million digital retail transactions take place every day. With a growing number of consumers shopping online, eCommerce is becoming critical.

ECommerce is an exceptional resource that enterprises can use to extend their successful brick-and-mortar operations to the rest of the world. Indeed, many retailers have enjoyed handsome rewards by doing so.

Digital shopping platforms empower all kinds of retailers to serve audiences across the country and around the globe. Now, countless[...]

SEO | 7 min read

Why Online Stores Should Replace Paid Advertising with SEO

The number of advertisers on Facebook doubled in 2018, with cost per click metrics increasing by over 92%.

Unless your eCommerce store doubled its AOV (average order value) or cut ad spending in half, you’re now seeing less profit and more competition than ever in leading networks like Facebook, Google, and Amazon.

If you’re like me, new customers come from a variety of channels:

  1. Advertising (which can be increasingly expensive)
  2. Word of mouth referrals (which are free, but not scalable)
  3. [...]

Conversion Optimization | 7 min read

Letting Buyers Save Their Cart For Later Can Reduce Cart Abandonment

An overwhelming majority of all online shopping carts do not reach the end of the checkout process. This is more than just a nagging feeling that owners of online stores may get, and it is certainly not a rare occurrence.

According to eCommerce market statistics, an average of 74% of all shopping carts are abandoned. This means that for every customer who makes a purchase on your website, approximately three consider it seriously enough to place your products on their list, then ultimately[...]

Social Media | 7 min read

Best Free Social Media Icons for Your Website

Social media is now integral to the daily lives of billions of people around the world, and that includes being inseparable from business strategy. If you run an eCommerce store, you must take advantage of these platforms to spread the word and enable customer interaction. However, this is a two-way street and goes beyond creating and maintaining accounts on the major sites. You also must allow people to easily share your content and products on them.

Including social media icons on your[...]

Shift4Shop News | 14 min read

3dcart New Unlimited Plans: A Complete Guide for Choosing the Best Plan

At 3dcart, you and the success of your business are our top priorities. We're happy to announce that we've overhauled our plans and pricing structure to better serve your needs as an eCommerce business and help encourage your growth.

We're always looking for new ways to improve the experience of our merchants and the value of our service, and to that end, we're pleased to introduce you to our new Unlimited eCommerce plans.

eCommerce News | 8 min read

Debunking the Most Common eCommerce Myths

When it comes to eCommerce web development, web users and prospective e-shop owners are often led to believe a number of different myths. eCommerce development is not about leading the consumer astray, though. That's why these misconceptions need to be debunked before web users are forced to make decisions that they might regret.

eCommerce development myths are also the enemy of future progress. The more that web users know about the true realities of eCommerce web development, the easier it is[...]

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