eCommerce Blog

SEO | 6 min read

10 SEO and Marketing Strategies That Drive Online Auto Parts Sales

Is it necessary for a traditional brick-and-mortar auto parts seller to build an online presence? This question runs on the minds of all automotive parts retailers and wholesalers. Well, the winds of change are here: Auto Parts selling has now gone online.

For years, aftermarket automotive spare part sales for cars and bikes were considered a regular brick-and-mortar style of business. If a customer required a replacement accessory or engine part, he/she visited the nearest auto parts seller[...]

eCommerce Features | 9 min read

How to Set Up Product Bundles and Kits in Your 3dcart Online Store

Some products just go well together. This could be because they're used for similar purposes as part of an unofficial set, or because they complement each other in some way. Other products are intended as accessories to another item and cannot even be used alone. For some small products, like samples, it simply makes more sense to purchase them as a group. Regardless of why, some customers are going to want to purchase certain items together anyway, so why don't you make it easier (and more[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Use Referral Marketing to Boost Your Sales & Sharing

Referral marketing is huge. No question about it.

The trick is to turn the happiest buyers into convincing cheerleaders of your business. And if a research report by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School is anything to go by, the resultant referrals are not only easier to convert, but they’ll also proceed to spend more than regular customers leads.

In the end, referred customers outshine their non-referred counterparts by 16% when it comes to the average lifetime value. Plus, the[...]

Starting a Business | 10 min read

3 Beginner Passive Income Ideas You Need to Know About

Looking for passive income ideas? Smart move.

Robert Kiyosaki, the businessman and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad once said, “To obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner, an investor, or both, generating passive income, particularly on a monthly basis.”

Holiday Shopping | 22 min read

Complete Guide to Holiday Shipping, Including Shipping Deadlines

The holiday season is the most lucrative time of the year for eCommerce, and online retailers everywhere will soon be hit with a massive influx of orders. This is a vast opportunity for any business, but it's easy to become overwhelmed if you're not prepared. Fortunately there are several measures you can take to ensure you're ready for the large number of orders you may be shipping out during the holidays.

One crucial factor to be aware of is the deadline for shipping an order for it to arrive[...]

Starting a Business | 7 min read

9 Worst Business Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make

The business world is cold, harsh and, if you’re not careful enough, can cause your dreams to be crushed into pieces before you know it. However, it’s not doom and gloom all the time; there are also many successful businesses that have made their way from the ground up.

In this article, we will discuss the nine worst mistakes that new entrepreneurs make most often. Read through and you can save yourself and your business from making the same mistakes.

B2B eCommerce | 7 min read

6 Biggest Differences Between B2B and B2C eCommerce

While eCommerce may be seen as one universal market, there can be some stark differences between the world of B2B & B2C eCommerce. Whether you’re an established business owner or an aspiring one, it’s important to know how both forms of eCommerce differs when it comes to decision making, pricing, marketing, and other business practices.

eCommerce Features | 23 min read

13 Best Scheduling Apps & Booking Software to Increase Productivity

Whether you’re dealing with booking clients for your spa service, or you’re scheduling meetings with your employees, you’re going to need a way to set that up. Of course, you can enter everything in manually – but, that method is bound to leave you with endless mistakes that lead to lapses in productivity and loss of sales.

By utilizing a scheduling app or booking software to automate your processes and make them more convenient and accessible for both employees and clients, you’ll see a boost[...]

SEO | 11 min read

How Google’s Nofollow Changes Will Impact Your Link Building Strategy

15 years ago, Google introduced the “nofollow” link attribute to help tackle unreliable links from user-generated content and comment spam. However, it quickly evolved to become Google’s recommended method for flagging sponsored or advertising-related links. Recently, the search giant has introduced some changes with regard to how publishers should mark nofollow links, bringing in additional attributes that will help Google understand the nature of those links. But, is this relevant to you?[...]

SEO | 9 min read

SEO vs. SEM: Which is Best for Your Online Business?

The marketing method you choose can easily make or break your eCommerce business.It can spell the difference between you getting billions of sales, or you are getting very little to no sales at all.

In this guide, we’re going to talk about which marketing method is better for your eCommerce business. Is it SEO? Or is it SEM?

Advocates of either side say that one is better than the other — leaving marketers and business owners in the middle of an SEO vs. SEM “tug-of-war.”

Is there really a[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Build A Strong Ecommerce Brand

Do you know what Rolex and Starbucks have in common? Or Mercedes Benz and Apple?

Ingenious products aside, these are some of the most renowned and globally recognized brands in the world that most people want to engage with. 

Not businesses, but brands.

These brands invoke a sense of strong emotion and passion in their engagements and interactions that drives people to want to be associated with them.

This is branding – a strong intangible force that moves people. Being a brand is what has[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 8 min read

Top 4 Chinese Dropshipping Suppliers You Need to Know

Working with reliable suppliers that can provide high-quality service is a critical step to the success of your dropshipping business. It can be frustrating to find a product that you like and think will sell well, only to find that suppliers aren’t able to work with you. Because of this, you feel you might lose the chance to your success that may never come back. To solve this problem, I’ve gathered a list of the top Chinese dropshipping suppliers for you to consider.

eCommerce Features | 6 min read

Why Businesses Should Care About Uptime Guarantees

As an e-commerce business, you want customers to be able to reach your site any time of the day or night. So, what happens when your site is not available due to your hosting company? You lose sales and possibly customers.

B2B eCommerce | 6 min read

Top B2B eCommerce Trends That You Should Look Out For

Keeping up with the latest trends is vital for anyone running a business. Dedicated entrepreneurs and online store owners should always be vigilant of the newest developments in technology, as well as the most recent research on customer behavior. If you are aware enough and quick-witted enough, you can make more informed decisions about everything related to your overall strategy: which innovations to use, which directions to take, and which updates to make on your website. Watching the trends[...]

Starting a Business | 7 min read

How to Sell Digital Products on Your Website

Digital products offer great opportunity for building an eCommerce business without any material inventory. Compared to physical products, they pose less hassles in terms of fulfillment. In the current eCommerce landscape, selling digital products can be a lucrative prospect for a lot of entrepreneurs, technology enthusiasts, artists, educators, freelancers, and more. Today, let’s explore different digital products and how you can sell them through your website.

Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

12 Tips to Increase Conversions with User-Generated Content

Customers love to interact with eCommerce stores now more than ever, especially with their journeys now merging online shopping with in-store retail. What most online stores may not be aware of is that UGC, or user-generated content, can directly affect an online store’s conversion rate. UGC can take the form of many types of content, including customer reviews, social media posts, and video content.

SEO | 7 min read

How to Use Google Alerts to Monitor Your Brand Mentions

Google is typically everyone’s first stop when searching for any given thing, so why not put the power of Google to work in gathering market intelligence for your brand? With Google Alerts, you’ll receive notifications every time your company is mentioned anywhere on the Web. It’s completely free to use and takes just seconds to set up. Moreover, you can set up multiple alerts to track, well, anything, including keywords relevant to your business or industry. (Yes, you can monitor mentions of[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

10 Ways to Increase Sales Using Marketing Automation

When you start growing your business and reach a point where it expands rapidly, it will become difficult to manage and sustain customer relationships. Marketing automation can help you connect with your prospects through customized content that will aid you in turning them into loyal customers.

There are many phases in a sales funnel through which you build your brand image using well-structured marketing campaigns. The next step is to start generating leads by offering incentives to your[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 5 min read

Improve eCommerce Shipping with FedEx Hold at Location

Shipping can be a stressful part of eCommerce for customers and retailers alike. Problems with delivery mean extra work for both the buyer and seller, with the online store sometimes taking the blame regardless of the source of the issue. When shipping is as smooth as possible, customers have a better experience and brands receive a benefit to their reputation.

Shipping carriers have made numerous improvements to the process, aimed at peace of mind and convenience for customers expecting an[...]

SEO | 8 min read

How to Craft Authority Content That Will Explode your eCommerce Site's SEO Traffic

Authority content might be time-consuming to create, but it can explode your eCommerce site’s SEO traffic. How do you go about making this happen? In short, find a good keyword opportunity, create long-form content, and then build quality links to it — all of which are explained in detail below.

Some might think that long-form content is not the best way to provide information to your audience due to the short attention span of people nowadays. This simply isn’t true, as there are a lot of[...]

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