eCommerce Blog

Shipping & Fulfillment | 6 min read

Advanced Shipping Manager Review

Providing accurate shipping rates can be tricky for any eCommerce business, especially newer and smaller stores. So many factors may dramatically lower or raise the final price, and even one miscalculation can result in someone charging you the wrong amount, or you charging your customers the wrong amount. Thankfully, there are solutions out there that can simplify shipping rules for merchants and use automation technology to pull up the correct price every time.

Advanced Shipping Manager, from[...]

Conversion Optimization | 8 min read

How to Optimize Your Checkout Page to Increase Conversions

Visitors to your eCommerce website might admire your appealing visual aesthetic, your user-friendly layouts, and your extensive inventory. They may find the items they want and add them to their shopping cart. They might enter your checkout page feeling completely prepared to pay your business good money. And yet, eCommerce market statistics show that three-quarters of all shopping carts ever created are abandoned.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 8 min read

Fast Shipping Strategies for Multi-Channel Sellers

Fast shipping programs are booming across marketplaces. Walmart 2-Day Delivery, Amazon Prime and eBay Guaranteed Delivery are just a few that provide both fast and free delivery. When you compete with convenient shipping and service, you can avoid price wars and keep your margins healthy. However, these programs aren’t just popular with marketplaces and sellers; they’re also expected by customers.

Delivery speed and costs are two of the biggest reasons for cart abandonment, meaning that if[...]

Top 10 Benefits of an Appointment Scheduler

If your business relies on customer and client appointments, you need to make sure they are easily accessible. Using an online appointment scheduler is a great way to do that: your customers will be able to see exactly which appointments are available and book them instantly.

Unfortunately, appointments are often overlooked in the e-commerce process with companies tending to focus on marketing and outreach. That's a shame because an inaccessible (or confusing) appointment system can wreck an[...]

eCommerce Features | 5 min read

Enhance Your Online Business with New Zapier Integrations

Smart business owners are always looking for advantages, and anything that saves time and effort is a big one. Tons of apps have been developed with this exact purpose in mind, bringing convenient methods of organization, management, and much more. Central to this ideal of efficiency is automation, in which software handles a task rather than a human worker.

Automation doesn't just save time, it also ensures every action is done consistently and eliminates the possibility of human error.[...]

Starting a Business | 50 min read

The Best Expert Tips for Fighting Procrastination

Procrastination is a problem that can affect anyone of all ages and in all walks of life. It's something we're all familiar with, and many people struggle with it on a daily basis. No matter the task we're supposed to be doing, the urge to put it off can be strong. But why do we procrastinate, and how can we stop it? Imagine how much more productive we could be if we can figure out how to put an end to this behavior — we could have more time for the things we love, become more successful in[...]

Web Design | 10 min read

10 E-Commerce Web Design Tips to Drive Sales and Increase Conversions

Over the years, there has been continued rapid growth in e-commerce; and it’s all thanks to technology and the internet. It’s easier and more fun to order things from our mobile phones while relaxing on a couch. But, this growth isn’t entirely positive for everyone. With this growing trend, the competition is also increasing at a great pace. And, some sites are lacking big time.

What if you wanted to buy something you like that’s also on a good discount? But alas! The site is too complicated to[...]

Apps & Integrations | 5 min read

Make Navigation Effortless with Shift4Shop's New “Mega Menu Builder” App!

Navigation is the crux of your online store’s user experience, with its quality either making or breaking a sale. Obviously, you want to make sure that it’s as easy as possible for customers to navigate your site to find the exact products they’re looking to buy. In order to get the job done right, a good menu will include categories and sub-categories that are organized properly and in a way that’s pleasing to the eye. If your store has a decent amount of categories, sub-categories and product[...]

eCommerce Features | 7 min read

The True Cost of Downtime for eCommerce Businesses

Every second that your eCommerce website is down equates to money walking out of your virtual storefront. When considering the impact that a downed server has on eCommerce, one of the first examples that comes to mind is Amazon. Just a few years ago, their site was down for around 40 minutes, resulting in approximately $5 million in losses.

Most eCommerce businesses would be ecstatic if they could make in a year a fraction of what Amazon lost in 40 minutes. Still, every lost dollar, customer,[...]

eCommerce Features | 19 min read

The eCommerce Process — How eCommerce Works and How You Can Do It Too

You experience eCommerce every day. It's everywhere, and it's getting much harder to find someone who has never made a purchase online. If you've identified eCommerce as a (virtual) land of endless opportunity, you're right. But how does eCommerce work and how do you get started?

In this article, we'll introduce you to eCommerce and the different parts that come together to create the successful online stores we've all heard of — and we'll walk you through the basics of getting started to [...]

Fraud Prevention | 6 min read

Top Ecommerce Security Threats in 2019

During the third quarter of 2017, online sales witnessed a boom of $107 billion dollars according to the U.S Census Bureau. Since then, e-commerce sales have increased by 14% in 2018. But, with an increased number of online sales (that provide larger profit margins) comes with it an even greater number of eCommerce security threats to which you can lose everything. 

Shift4Shop News | 15 min read

3dcart Version 9.1 Brings New Features and Upgrades to Online Stores

Staying ahead of the game in eCommerce means constant improvement, both of your business and your eCommerce software. That's why we're proud to announce 3dcart Version 9.1, the newest upgrade to our all-in-one eCommerce platform, bringing you even more powerful features for building and growing your online business.

This update introduces some brand-new functionality to improve the experience for business owners as well as your customers. We've also upgraded several of our integrations, added[...]

Apps & Integrations | 13 min read

10 Tips on How to Select a Software Development Company

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our predictable normalcy upside down. The new normal has been a whirlwind of permanent changes that are happening very fast. One of the most significant changes has been the rapid digitization of businesses.

If you want to remain in business, you will need to digitize your offerings as fast and quickly as possible to stay ahead of your competition. The marketplace of firms offering services and products has drastically changed over the last six months.

If you[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

Top 7 Proven Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Product Sales as a Beginner

Hands down, affiliate marketing is the BEST way to earn passive income; it’s become the #1 way to earn money online for most bloggers.

If you’re a beginner and struggling to increase your affiliate product sales, this post is exclusively for you, where you’ll discover some of the proven ways to increase your sales in 2019 and beyond.

Email Marketing | 7 min read

5 E-Commerce Marketing Email Examples That You Should Be Sending

If you’re an ecommerce marketer, email marketing should be your best friend. Email consistently outranks other digital channels such as social media and display ads in terms of return on investment. A VentureBeat Insight study found that email marketing generates an average of $38 for every $1 invested.

The problem is that’s just an average. Not every ecommerce store’s email marketing is going to be churning out $38 for every dollar spent on it. And, more concerning still, not every marketer[...]

Starting a Business | 8 min read

Celebrating National Dog Day with eCommerce Tips from Pet-Focused Online Businesses

Dogs have a well-deserved reputation as man's best friend. For longer than recorded history, dogs have been at our sides providing everything from security to companionship. Today, dogs continue to prove themselves as valuable (and adorable) members of society. While we can show our appreciation with treats and belly rubs, we humans have taken it a step further with the creation of National Dog Day, a holiday specifically for celebrating our canine friends.

As you can imagine, the market for[...]

Starting a Business | 8 min read

Running an Online Store Vs Running a Marketplace

If you’re running a successful online store, turning it into a marketplace platform with vendors might sound like a great next step to expand your business.

Inviting outside vendors to sell on your platform may not only help you grow your product catalog without increasing your own inventory levels, but it can also create an additional revenue stream from vendor fees for your business.

However, there are a few crucial differences when it comes to running an online marketplace compared to a[...]

eCommerce News | 6 min read

Ecommerce Possibilities in a Digital World: Success, Progress and Rivalry

It’s no secret that the modern world is one giant digitally-inclined marketplace. As such, the information age has taken competition into the digital domain, creating vast opportunities and challenges in the field of ‘ecommerce’ for billions of sellers and buyers in the world. With new developments coming out of the woodwork in information technologies every other day, users of this interconnected system are finding great ease and capability in promoting their sales and carrying out their[...]

Fraud Prevention | 6 min read

7 Reasons Why Good Orders Can Look Like E-Commerce Fraud

One of the greatest challenges you face as an online retailer isn’t losing money to fraudsters. It’s losing money when legitimate customer transactions are incorrectly flagged as fraudulent and declined.

In fact, according to Riskified, a whopping 35% ­- 80% of declined orders are legitimate. To clarify, these are transactions that may, on the surface, appear to be fraudulent, but are actually real orders placed by good customers.

These false declines, also called false positives, hurt online[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

eCommerce Metrics that Matter: Advertising, Storefront and Shipping

Ecommerce brands have been using data to drive sales, reach new audiences and upsell like crazy for nearly two decades.

Now that it’s nearly 2020, every eCommerce brand should be using key metrics in three areas to build out success: advertising, storefront and shipping.

Emma Miller, Senior Editor at Bizzmark, calls metrics the “one thing that can make or break your online presence.” She goes on: “To succeed in the competitive online market, you need to set measurable goals, choose the right[...]

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