eCommerce Blog

Starting a Business | 16 min read

10 Self-Employment Business Ideas & How to Get Started

Do you know what one of the best ways to achieve financial independence is?

The answer: Working for yourself. I know this from experience – people always ask me for self-employment business ideas that they can do as a side hustle. I don’t mind walking them through their options, because everyone starts somewhere.

I have been working as a freelancer for the past three years now. I always have a few things in the works on the side. In this blog post, I will present to you ten business ideas for[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

E-commerce & Interactive Content: The Perfect Match for Engagement

If you are looking to increase your online sales, it is essential to start paying attention to interactive content.

After all, you already know that the production of relevant content for your buyer persona is the pillar for a successful digital strategy – one that can attract, convert, and retain consumers.

However, the success of this kind of approach makes the competition for users' attention ever greater. In this scenario, only brands that can offer valuable and high-quality experiences[...]

Web Design | 9 min read

The 8 Best Website Builders for Small Businesses

Every business, no matter how small, needs a website. Even businesses that rely primarily on word-of-mouth marketing and local advertising require an online space of their own these days. Not only can a website provide important information your customers need, but they boost credibility. And, when done properly, websites can dramatically boost revenue for small businesses, attracting new customers hunting online for their services and goods.

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

18 Best Free Lightroom Presets for Product Photographers

Without the right photo editing software and functionality, editing product photos for online stores can be time-consuming and difficult. Luckily, product photographers and business owners don’t have to spend day and night manually improving eCommerce pictures due to convenient alternatives like free Lightroom presets.

By applying these tools, you can easily enhance lighting, correct colors and white balance, improve contrast, smooth shadows, and more. In a matter of seconds, your images will[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 10 min read

Value-Engineered Packaging: Getting More From The Humble Box

Value-engineered packaging is the process of designing and producing the best possible packaging solution for your product with costs, security, and performance in mind.

Your brand can benefit from redesigning new and existing packaging solutions for a single product or a wide range of products to use less material, optimize costs, and create more branding opportunities.

For many ecommerce brands, packaging is an expense that’s left to the last minute.

Online Tools | 10 min read

How to Optimize Your Remote Working Setup

Many of us now find ourselves more than seven months into our remote working adventure. The coronavirus pandemic continues to be the pressure issue in society, and people everywhere are still adjusting to the "new normal" of working life.

As we head into the winter months, many countries around the world find themselves facing the prospect of greater lockdown restrictions.

However, some of us have yet to master the art of working from home.

Email Marketing | 9 min read

5 Pros & Cons to Buying an Email List

2020 changed the way many businesses operate, forcing them to substitute the office for a remote working environment. With this change, the need to engage and connect with consumers online increased drastically – and email marketing has played a key role in this.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 10 min read

How to Successfully Sell and Ship to Europe

As an e-commerce retailer, you know that selling your merchandise online opens your business up to a much larger market than you could ever reach offline. If you’re already reaping the rewards of selling online throughout the United States, you might be considering going global. Selling to European customers online is a great place to start.

There are plenty of great reasons to reach out to European customers. To be precise, there are 727,848,547 good reasons. That’s the number of internet[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

8 Best Photo Editing Services for Product Photography

Editing product photos as a business owner can take time that you don’t have – especially if you’re not a professional photo editor. Luckily, there are several photo editing services to choose from that can help you edit all of your photos.

In this article, we have reviewed numerous reputable photo editing services for product photographers and named eight efficient companies in terms of quality, pricing policy and turnaround time.

Online Tools | 8 min read

How to Choose a Secure Username & the Best Username Generators Online

Usernames have become necessary, and even critical, in today’s digital world. Not only do usernames give you a unique identity online, but they create a level of security and confidentiality. And, in some cases, usernames actually become brands, as in the case of the hundreds of thousands of influencers found on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and more.

Regardless of why you need to create a username, whether for digital access to online banking or for a social media network, making sure you do it[...]

Conversion Optimization | 7 min read

5 Future-Proof Abandoned Cart & Customer Recovery Strategies for 2021

This year has seen the shift away from physical retail to online shopping accelerate by approximately five years, which means two things:

  1. More people are shopping online than ever before.
  2. More people are selling online than ever before.

Online retail has become incredibly competitive, making it more crucial and challenging to attract, convert, and retain customers. And, if you’re still using last year’s abandoned cart and customer recovery strategies, they’re now vastly out of date.

eCommerce News | 10 min read

Get Your Business Going with the Shift4Shop Launch Checklist

It takes a lot of work to start a business, but to an entrepreneur, there are few things as rewarding. Building a profitable business from the ground up, and seeing it thrive, is a goal shared by everyone who feels that entrepreneurial spark.

However, being excited to get your business moving doesn't mean it takes any less work. Sure, it may not feel like work if you're really passionate about it. But there's still a ton to manage, and you don't want to forget anything. Being excited can even[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

Why Every Retailer Needs a Website — Even Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Brick-and-mortar stores will always have their built-in market segment... but why not win over some online shoppers at the same time? Lately, more and more offline retailers are expanding into online markets to earn a little extra income. You no longer have to choose one or the other anymore — now you can have both.

Online Tools | 14 min read

Comparing the Top Free Photo Editors

As an online business, aesthetic is paramount. If your product photos or marketing materials don’t look high-quality, many potential customers may pass you by. But, if you’re not a professional photographer or can’t afford editing services, how can you create great photos?

Using free photo editors, you can improve your images in quickly without spending a dime on expensive software or additional features. If you are looking for programs resembling Lightroom or Photoshop with all of the[...]

eCommerce News | 4 min read

3dcart is Now Shift4Shop

After over 20 years as an innovative force in eCommerce, we're changing our name. Going forward, 3dcart will be known as Shift4Shop.

So, why the change? If you're a 3dcart client, you might have some concerns — and we understand completely. What might this mean for your business, and the quality of features and service we offer?

Well, we're just as committed as we've ever been to providing the best solution for growing your business. We will still be the same eCommerce platform you know and[...]

Social Media | 12 min read

5 Smart Social Media Promotions You Should be Using to Boost Sales

Social media marketing is still a must for building brand awareness and growing your audience. But, if you’re not taking advantage of innovative sales opportunities to drive more business to your virtual doors, you could be missing out on lots of potential customers.

Social media has become a valuable sales platform for eCommerce businesses, thanks to savvy promotional tactics and features like shoppable posts on sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Even if you’re not using social[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 6 min read

5 Multichannel Marketing Strategies to Scale Your eCommerce Business

One of the biggest challenges in eCommerce is establishing and growing your presence across multiple channels simultaneously. Many sellers start out simply: a few listings on a third-party marketplace or a DIY eCommerce site to get the ball rolling. From there, expanding to new marketplaces and bolstering your B2B and/or B2C offerings introduces enticing new revenue streams.

While an omnichannel approach provides the greatest opportunities for sales conversions, it also comes with its own host[...]

Apps & Integrations | 8 min read

ERP Integration: What It Is, How It Works, and Why You Need It

Online shopping has experienced unprecedented growth in 2020, partly due to lockdown orders and other preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has opened up new product opportunities and greater volumes of orders for online retailers, along with the need to increase online platform functionality.

Online Tools | 7 min read

The 7 Best BuzzSumo Alternatives for Content Research

Content marketing isn’t just part of a smart marketing plan; it’s a marketing plan in and of itself. Not only can content generate customers and grow your brand’s visibility, but it’s one of the most effective ways to boost SEO (search engine optimization), which, as any successful business knows, is critical in today’s digital world.

And at the top of the content marketing industry is a widely used tool called BuzzSumo. For a lot of content marketers, nothing can compete with BuzzSumo in terms[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

The 7 Best SMS Marketing Tips for eCommerce Sites

Did you know that there is a marketing channel with nearly 100% reach? It’s always in your pocket or on your desk, and you’ve probably sent a message with it within the last hour. It’s texting, and more and more companies are turning to text (also known as SMS) marketing in order to reach their customers while they are on the go.

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