eCommerce Blog

Starting a Business | 11 min read

How to Sell Branded Company Merchandise Online

Are you a business owner that needs an easier way to procure custom branded corporate merchandise? Making orders one at a time from a third-party with little control over materials and designs may not be cutting it anymore. But, did you know that you can save time and money while creating higher-quality custom products by starting your own company merch store online?

SEO | 8 min read

Understanding the Importance of SERPs & How to Rank Higher

Search engine results pages, or SERPs, are so common in today’s digital world that most people don’t even think about them. For most internet users, they’re similar to a non-descriptive waiting room – a place you end up briefly while on your way to where you really want to go. But for businesses, SERPS are everything. Not only do they determine if people find your website, but they also dictate whether or not your competition is going to outperform you, this month and the month after that.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 9 min read

The Complete Guide to Cross-Border eCommerce

Is your business looking to expand to global markets? Selling products online and shipping them to international customers has become commonplace today. That's especially thanks to marketplace giants like Amazon in the picture. But you don’t need to rely on marketplace selling to reach international customers. Your products can cross borders from your own online store.

Starting a Business | 9 min read

How to Overcome eCommerce Failure

Starting an eCommerce business seems relatively simple at first. Yet, many eCommerce merchants are unable to sustain their online stores for too long. A large number of companies fail to derive any return on their investment (ROI). In the long term, they suffer heavy losses and collapse.

Failure can be attributed to multiple factors, but the truth remains that running an eCommerce website is complex. It requires meticulous planning in both the pre- and post-launch phases. Beyond this, you also[...]

eCommerce Features | 14 min read

How to Translate Your eCommerce Website to Multiple Languages

Has your business hit a ceiling? Have sales peaked and you’re wondering where to go from here? Are you looking for an easy way to grow your eCommerce store?

There’s a big world out there just waiting for you – and the secret is expanding into new markets globally. Localization – not to be confused with translation – is the key to almost unlimited growth for your business.

Starting a Business | 9 min read

How to Create Winning Digital Products

Digital products are all the rage today. However, creating one is easier said than done.

First, let’s begin by understanding the different forms of digital products available today.

Making money is more than putting up some banner ads or throwing open your blog for sponsored content. These strategies can work. However, people are increasingly turning a blind eye to ads and to sponsored content. That’s the reason you need a change in strategy.

Offering digital products is a cool alternative.

Social Media | 11 min read

The Complete Guide to Instagram Shops & Checkout

Your business can't afford to ignore Instagram. Not only is the social media platform a great asset for engagement and content marketing, but it’s now an eCommerce platform in its own right.

eCommerce Features | 16 min read

eCommerce Guide to Coupons and Discounts

Coupons and other types of promotions are excellent for boosting your sales. Customers always love a great bargain. And during certain times of the year, like the holiday season, a big sale is pretty much expected.

Customers aren't the only ones who benefit from promotions. Not only can your business get that coveted sales increase, you can also earn more repeat customers who originally found your website because of the promotion. A great promotion will please shoppers and breathe more life[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 13 min read

The Essential How-To Guide to Expedited Shipping for eCommerce Stores

Online shopping has changed the entire retail landscape for everyone, both retailers and consumers. Not only has online shopping demanded more of all retailers, especially those who never considered selling their products online previously, but it has also changed the way consumers think, altering the requirements that must be met in order to fulfill their expectations. One of the biggest changes in terms of consumer expectations is, of course, shipping.

Fraud Prevention | 9 min read

4 Cybersecurity Myths That Can Jeopardize Your Organization

If COVID-19 hasn’t touched your life yet, consider yourself lucky.

This pandemic has impacted the daily lifestyles of everyone, from corporate heads to stay-at-home parents. With fluctuating shelter-in-place orders and lockdowns around the world ongoing, people are spending more and more time online, attending virtual meetings, completing digital assignments, and shopping from home.

But, alongside this increase in screen time, the pandemic has seen a rapid rise in cybersecurity breaches for[...]

Shipping & Fulfillment | 11 min read

The Importance of Inventory Efficiency and a Strong Fulfillment Process

Your inventory is business-critical. No inventory equals no business. But, even with a warehouse full of stock and a sales channel full of listings, if you don’t have inventory and fulfillment efficiency, you can struggle to sell, ship, and earn that glowing feedback you deserve.

Starting a Business | 11 min read

How to Sell Branded Influencer Merchandise Online

Whether you play video games or you model high-fashion clothing brands, you’re an influencer if you have an audience that loves your content. Being an influencer introduces a wide variety of opportunities to make a living, from brand deals to advertising revenue. But, one of the most popular ways that influencers monetize their following is through branded merchandise.

Conversion Optimization | 14 min read

Utilizing Micro-Conversions to Reel in Potential Customers

Do you track micro conversions inside your business? It’s likely that you’re tracking big conversions. You know the ones I mean: completed customer forms and product purchases.

But what about the micro conversions that lead to those form completions or product sales? Tracking smaller conversions can actually tell you where your sales funnel needs the most work in order to become more effective.

Now, you’re probably wondering what smaller conversions you should track. That’s a great question!


Social Media | 9 min read

Guide to Facebook Enhanced Catalog Feed

In the last several years, Facebook has exploded in popularity. It's fair to say it redefined social media. It definitely innovated new opportunities for many walks of life. This includes business owners.

With the introduction of Facebook Pages, businesses were able to stake a claim on Facebook and create their official social media profile. This led to new avenues of customer service through reviews and messaging. It also helped create a kind of directory that helped customers find all types[...]

eCommerce News | 8 min read

Best Tips for Year-End Tax Planning in 2020

Taxes are always stressful, and running a business just makes it more complicated. There are tons of potential worries, especially if you're a relatively new business owner.

The situation in 2020 didn't make it any easier. With the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a year unlike any other in our lifetimes. This led to new complications for businesses, as lockdowns made their survival uncertain. However, it also led to tax opportunities that can help businesses recover some of their losses.

In this[...]

SEO | 15 min read

6 Must-Use Google Ad Types for Successful eCommerce Marketing

It should go without saying that no eCommerce marketing strategy would be successful without Google ads. The key is using the right Google ad types for eCommerce and having the optimization tools to tweak them to peak performance.

SEO | 8 min read

All You Need to Know Before Hiring the Right Link Building Service

With more than half of the world’s businesses earning revenues online, it is unwise for any business owner to not tap into those growth possibilities for their business. If your website is an integral part of your company that can impact your business growth, you need to put more effort into boosting your website ranking and visibility. You might think that it is possible to manage your site's marketing campaign with in-house services by following some generic strategies, but you couldn’t be[...]

eCommerce Features | 8 min read

Best CDN Solutions for Website Speed and DDoS Protection

Does your eCommerce website load quickly? Or do customers need to wait?

What if your website falls victim to an attack? Does everything grind to a halt?

Denial of service attacks can overwhelm a website by sending a flood of traffic. If your store becomes overrun, it could easily crash.

The answer to these speed and security issues? Content delivery networks or CDNs.

This article examines the best CDN solutions and how they can help your eCommerce site.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 7 min read

Dropshipping Clothing with BrandsGateway: Everything You Need to Know

Statistics show that the eCommerce industry has been steadily growing over the past few years. More importantly, it's expected to continue to expand in the years to come. A study published by Statista found that the global eCommerce sales in 2019 amounted to 3.53 trillion US dollars. What’s even more promising is that, by the end of 2022, it’s predicted that eCommerce sales will reach 6.54 trillion US dollars.

Social Media | 10 min read

How to Drive Recovery and Growth Post-Pandemic with Social Commerce and Marketplaces

In a period of just a few months, the societal and economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis have greatly accelerated the shift towards online shopping and digital adaptation in general. This is also true for several other underlying trends. Overall, lockdown transformed almost overnight how consumers shop and how retailers sell and interact with their customers.

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