eCommerce Blog

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

10 Ways to Make Machine Learning Part of Your eCommerce Strategy

eCommerce is all about differentiating a company and staying on top of the latest trends. They don't get any more significant at the moment than artificial intelligence and machine learning, which could redefine the way online companies do business.

Conversion Optimization | 8 min read

Top 5 eCommerce Site Features That Always Need User Testing

An estimated 88% of users admit they are less likely to return to a website after a negative user experience. This should be reason enough for businesses to start focusing on boosting their website’s UI/UX. Several factors can lead to a bad user experience – from slow page loading times to a site’s lack of mobile responsiveness. This is why it is imperative to user test your eCommerce website to prevent cart abandonment and improve your conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Starting a Business | 10 min read

What is Private Label & What Are the Top Private Label Products?

Have you been looking for new ways to add to your business’s product lineup? Working on producing and manufacturing a new product from scratch yourself can be time-consuming and costly. And, if you’d like to take manufacturing products yourself out of the picture, you may not want to spend money on obtaining brand-name products to sell.

Instead, many businesses choose to design and sell private label products on their online stores. But what exactly are private label products? Let’s learn all[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

How to Create Your Target Consumer Profile

Brands ultimately exist to sell products and services. Just as a friendship depends upon two people getting to know and then liking each other, a buyer-seller relationship is no different.

In order to be successful in business, you need to know your audience. And the better you get to know them, the more successful you’ll be. It’s not just a case of finding out which products they want to buy. Discovering their preferences across a whole range of issues will greatly enhance your relationship,[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

8 Google Ads Trends to Watch in 2022

Few areas of digital marketing move faster than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and one trend you're unlikely to witness in 2022 is the demise of Google as the market leader. Google Ads remains the dominant PPC platform for advertisers and consumers alike, and even the most prominent competitors like Facebook and Bing will struggle to come close. It all comes down to reach.

Online Tools | 8 min read

6 Best CPaaS Solutions for Small Businesses

Communication is key to maintaining a relationship. This advice often appears in the context of romance, but it applies to any connection between two or more people. It even — some would say especially — applies to matters of business.

Employees and employers must collaborate to make anything happen. Customer support teams answer questions from shoppers and clients. Success is often impossible without reaching out to and accepting feedback from customers. In these and many other cases, multiple[...]

Email Marketing | 14 min read

The Best Mailchimp Alternatives for Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best, most important methods for marketing an eCommerce business. Understanding effective email marketing is the key to growing an audience of recurring customers. Of course, the effectiveness of your email marketing can strongly depend on the tools you use to run it. Your email marketing platform has to equip you with the right features and capabilities to set up effective campaigns.

Online Tools | 10 min read

10 Lesser-Known Tools for Your eCommerce Business

The eCommerce industry is flourishing. New methods, new trends, new ideas. Huge opportunities to drive sales growth.

eCommerce Marketing | 14 min read

How to Create a Reward Points Loyalty Program for Your eCommerce Store

Every business faces a big challenge in gaining and keeping customers. Since attracting a new customer to your online store can already be difficult, you want to do everything you can to convince them to stick around. A loyalty program can be very effective for meeting this goal, because it helps your customers feel rewarded and appreciated.

In fact, loyalty programs are so popular that some customers expect them to be offered, and are likely to turn away from a business that doesn't have one.[...]

Web Design | 9 min read

Everything You Need To Know About Website Design Cost

When a business needs a website to support workflows, advertise their brand, or sell products, many entrepreneurs have only one question in their minds – how much will the website design cost? If you’re designing your own website with built-in templates and a page editor, then you may not need to pay for a third-party designer. However, if you’re looking to design a website outside of the capabilities of built-in tools, then a design team is your best option.

Conversion Optimization | 9 min read

20 Essential eCommerce Metrics & KPIs to Track and Measure for Success

Selling online is no new trend. Overall, the eCommerce industry has seen commendable growth rates in the years before the pandemic. However, after 2019, it's become impossible to ignore eCommerce's significant growth.

Customer Service | 9 min read

How to Reduce Your eCommerce Return Rates

Ecommerce returns can slowly eat into your bottom line if you’re not strategically attacking them with post-purchase loyalty-building tactics.

Conversion Optimization | 13 min read

10 Strategies to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

A company's lifeblood is its customers. Without them, you don’t have a business, but rather an expensive and time-consuming hobby. Keeping customers happy and coming back even after they made a purchase should be each company's top priority. Yet, many businesses overlook the importance of customer retention.

Why is retaining customers so vital to a business’s success?

The answer lies in a customer’s lifetime value.

eCommerce Marketing | 17 min read

How to Manage a Blog for Your eCommerce Business

Running a successful online store means taking advantage of every available resource that’ll help your business grow and expand. Increasing traffic, no matter how large your business may already be, is an absolute must for long-term success. Unfortunately, many businesses are failing to utilize one of the greatest resources for generating website traffic: blogging.

Starting a Business | 16 min read

How to Start an Online Jewelry Business in 10 Steps

Starting an online jewelry business is the dream of many young entrepreneurs. However, just like any other business, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Many people may have the perfect idea for a jewelry business, but they are unable to execute it. Making a mark in the jewelry industry can be tough, but it comes with its own set of rewards and satisfaction.

However, no matter the reason for wanting to start an online jewelry business, 2021 is the perfect time to do so. With the COVID-19 pandemic[...]

Online Tools | 8 min read

7 Best Zapier Alternatives for Software Integration

A customer places an order for a product from your online store. You open your Gmail app to see the order form. Then, you open your QuickBooks app and create a new invoice with information from the order form. After that, you open your Google Sheets app to update a spreadsheet with the details.

You likely open several more apps before the order is fulfilled and recorded. Then, you have to do it all over again for your other orders. These are the consequences of running an eCommerce business.


eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Measure Your Content Marketing ROI

With the growing complexity and competitiveness within the content marketing world, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult for brands to measure their returns.

eCommerce Marketing | 8 min read

Streamline Your Advertising with Shift4Shop's Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook has become a central part of eCommerce. Between Facebook Business Pages, public reviews and other engagements, Facebook Shops, and Facebook ads, what began as a niche social media platform has expanded to become a crucial business tool.

Businesses often view Facebook advertising as a necessity. This is true for brick-and-mortar businesses looking for local customers, but it applies even more to eCommerce businesses that are already attempting to grow through the internet. Facebook's[...]

eCommerce Features | 12 min read

What is Address Validation and Why Do eCommerce Stores Need It?

Long before eCommerce existed, people invented other ways to shop remotely. Physical catalogs have been around for over 200 years and are still popular. Newspapers also have a long history of advertisements that invite shoppers to mail in an order. Even comic books have had mail-order products advertised on the last few pages.

But no matter how much the methods have changed, mail-order shopping has always required a correct shipping address. From newspaper ads to eCommerce, a business needs to[...]

Starting a Business | 12 min read

Top 10 Best Subscription Box Services (& What You Can Learn from Them)

Subscription boxes have become incredibly popular over the last several years, both with businesses and consumers. While consumers love them for their specificity and convenience (how nice is it to get all of your dog’s favorite food and snacks sent to you each month automatically?), businesses love subscription boxes because they allow for targeting niche audiences and make monthly sales consistent. Of course, just because subscription boxes are popular doesn’t mean that you can start a[...]

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