eCommerce Blog

Customer Service | 10 min read

A Guide to Exceptional Customer Service

As a business owner, you likely put a lot of time, money, and energy toward improving your marketing efforts and growing your sales — but what about your customer service?

eCommerce Marketing | 7 min read

How to Build a Local eCommerce Presence

Over the last five years, online transactions have doubled their total retail market share, growing from seven to fourteen percent according to Statista. While the pandemic has certainly accelerated the growth of the eCommerce industry, its growth prior to 2020 suggests that this has simply been a speeding up of the inevitable.

Common wisdom seems to suggest that the shift in consumer behavior towards buying products online is bad news for smaller, local retailers. Proponents of this view say[...]

SEO | 9 min read

5 Social Media Tactics to Improve Your SEO Results

Most marketers think that social media performance has nothing to do with SEO rankings.

And they’re right... partially.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 13 min read

Guide to Shipping for Your Online Store

Launching an online business entails a lot of hard work. During the initial stages, you'll tackle fun and exciting aspects like designing your website, creating a logo, and uploading products. Soon, though, you'll need to attend to more technical details like shipping — after all, unless you sell only digital products, your customers need a way to receive the items they buy from you!

Shipping for eCommerce can seem daunting, as there are a lot of factors to consider. You need to figure out[...]

Online Tools | 7 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Website Downtime

One major advantage that online stores have over brick-and-mortar shops is that they’re always open for business. Anyone can access your site at any time, which is great if you’re trying to attract customers in other time zones. Moreover, the order placement process hums along smoothly without a serious need for constant human supervision. As the old marketing cliché goes, eCommerce business owners can make money in their sleep.

Unfortunately, nothing is perfect. Online stores never close …[...]

Starting a Business | 7 min read

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

Starting a business can be an excellent way to achieve your dreams. For starters, you’ll have more freedom working for yourself than working for someone else. You can also create your own schedule and working hours, build anything you want, and most importantly, make a profit.

But, this comes with many challenges and drawbacks. So, it's essential to ask yourself some critical questions.

Conversion Optimization | 8 min read

Why Crowd Testing Is Vital to eCommerce & How to Do It

The ways in which consumers interact with the world of eCommerce is as changeable and varied as the consumers that engage with it. Rapid growth in digital technologies and mobile spaces is continually morphing to meet the demands of a multifaceted market base. But this growth has also created a unique challenge where immediate and continuous testing is vital.

SEO | 8 min read

Core Web Vitals: How to Improve Them for an eCommerce Website

When it comes to your eCommerce website, ensuring that your core web vitals are all running smoothly and efficiently is absolutely crucial. However, for many eCommerce store owners, this is something that goes forgotten surprisingly often. To this end, it’s important that you know what core web vitals are and how they can boost your site – and what you can do to improve your site’s metrics if they’re not already performing well.

Web Design | 10 min read

The Complete Guide to Using Images Legally Online

As a savvy marketer, you understand that visual elements are invaluable to your marketing campaign. With the ability to attract attention, they can get you more clicks and sales than any text ads would.

This is because consumers are visual learners. When compared with text, the information presented in the form of photos and videos is more likely to be retained longer.

It also increases the overall user experience of the website visitors and helps stimulate their instinctual desire to engage[...]

Conversion Optimization | 9 min read

How to Leverage A/B Testing to Increase Your Conversion Rates

Whether your conversion rates are low, average, or high, there’s always room to optimize better. But without the right methodology, you risk making changes that push your conversion rate in the wrong direction. If you don’t make changes in a controlled way, you won’t even know which change affected your conversion rate.

Online Tools | 11 min read

Free Screen Capture Tools for Online Collaboration

You never know when you're going to need to take a screenshot. There are all kinds of reasons why you might need one.

Maybe you're writing an article for your online store's blog, and you want to mention one of your favorite websites. This would be a perfect place for a screenshot to enhance your content. Or maybe you're trying to choose between two products, and you want a friend's opinion on which looks better. Sure, you could send links, but a screenshot would save your friend some time.

Starting a Business | 7 min read

How to Get a Resale Certificate for eCommerce

On paper, reselling seems like the perfect plan. You, an enterprising eCommerce business owner, need an inventory for your store. You purchase a large number of goods from a supplier in bulk, taking advantage of the included discount. Then, you mark up the price and resell the products at a profit. This business model is bulletproof … or is it?

SEO | 11 min read

How to Change Your Website's Domain Name (Without Hurting SEO)

Sometimes a business might need to change its website's domain name. There are a few reasons why you might need to do this.

SEO | 8 min read

How to Leverage Local SEO for Your Online Store

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for any business operating online. From multinational corporations to small businesses, a good SEO strategy will increase online visibility. This means more people searching for your services and visiting your pages.

Web Design | 10 min read

Popular Website Wireframe Tools for Web Design

Building a website is a lot easier than it used to be. However, it's still a significant project. And just like any other type of project, you need a solid plan.

The layout of your website is the most crucial part of this plan. Colors, graphics, and other content can all be changed much more easily than the layout. Think of the layout as your site's skeleton. It determines the structure of each page, to be fleshed out later.

Starting a Business | 9 min read

A Leader’s Guide to Measuring Time and Boosting Productivity

Managing a team, whether in a small business or large corporation, is no easy task. The better technology becomes, the more distractions there are.

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency and time are key factors in determining productivity. To ensure efficiency and timely output, leaders need to actively measure their employees’ time and boost their productivity.

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

SMB Marketing Checklist: 10 Small Business Marketing Ideas for Success

Over 2.14 billion people will make a purchase online in 2021, according to Statista. If you're a small business owner, that statistic alone may be enough to make you want to throw money at digital marketing.

Shipping & Fulfillment | 10 min read

Distance Equals Money: Understanding U.S. Shipping Zones

Shipping charges tend to rise as your packages go further, and carriers determine how much your price scales by seeing how far you ship across their U.S. shipping zones. Carriers each carve up the continental map to create their list, with most dividing up the country into seven shipping zones numbered “2” through “8.” These shipping zones can impact both the cost and delivery speeds available for your goods.

Knowing U.S. shipping zones and how they’re calculated can help an eCommerce business[...]

Starting a Business | 8 min read

How to Make an eCommerce Website for Your Brick-And-Mortar Business

Shopping behavior has irreversibly changed since the advent of smart technology. Specifically, shoppers now have the ability to complete shopping cart checkouts from a mobile device in record time with all of their payment information saved. And now, due to global happenings in 2020 and 2021, more compelling reasons have surfaced as to why consumers are choosing to online shop, safety now competing with convenience as their primary motivation.

Additionally, brick-and-mortar stores themselves[...]

SEO | 8 min read

How to Optimize Product Feed Text Ads to Improve eCommerce Sales

Google has become an integral part of our lives, but even more so for online retailers.

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