eCommerce Blog

Shipping & Fulfillment | 11 min read

Top 13 eCommerce Order Fulfillment Companies

Whenever you think about starting an eCommerce business, warehousing, shipping, and fulfillment may come to mind.

Surely, creating sales is the interesting part. However, what happens after the order is made? Somehow your item needs delivering to customers' hands. One of the most popular ways to handle this part is to partner with an order fulfillment company. There are a number of fulfillment services that will store your products and pack and ship your orders.

Social Media | 10 min read

Social Media Marketing Holidays to Inspire Your Next Successful Campaign

In the online world, every day is a wacky social media holiday.

While the ‘holiday’ season is widely known for kicking off shopping frenzy around the globe, other international holidays like the National Pizza Day are gradually becoming popular in raking in the moolah too.

You might think “why should I spend time and resources building a full social media marketing and an online sales campaign around one day that falls in a ‘non-seasonal’ period? Wouldn’t I benefit more by focusing my efforts[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 11 min read

Top Lead Generation Statistics to Inform Your Marketing Strategy

In the online age, there’s a long list of things you need to do to survive. Lead generation is one of them. Marketing, and ultimately selling, isn’t as simple as it used to be. With so many businesses online, the stakes are high when it comes to getting people to opt for you over your competitors. The hard-sell approach is outdated and lead generation has taken its place.

Because the landscape of how people buy has changed, marketing has shifted too. Successful online businesses now focus on[...]

Online Tools | 8 min read

The 10 Best RingCentral Alternatives for Online Businesses in 2021

Communication is everything when it comes to business. Not only will you lose sales if you can’t communicate with potential customers in a timely manner, but you also run the risk of earning negative reviews if you can’t answer your current customers’ questions as soon as possible. And because communication is so essential, making sure that you have a reliable way to communicate with customers is critical to your success.

The better you’re able to communicate with your customers, the better[...]

Conversion Optimization | 10 min read

9 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates

Getting visitors to your site is tedious, expensive, tiring, and all in all — extremely difficult. But it’s even harder to see them leave without making any kind of action.

It is said that, in 2020, eCommerce had grown in one year at the rate it would have in three years. Sure, having more traffic is great and it seems easier to make more sales when you have a traffic influx. But that is just one part of the success formula.

There is no need to point out that increasing your conversion rate[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

Personalization in Social Media Marketing: 9 Tips

In today’s online marketplace, customers more than ever are expecting brands to understand and anticipate their unique requirements and present them with targeted, specific advertising that meets these needs.

This is added to by the rise in social media marketing becoming the go-to place to get your message across. By targeting people in the places they spend their time (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), brands can reach their target audiences in new and innovative ways.

But it’s not[...]

B2B eCommerce | 12 min read

5 Tips B2B Brands Can Use in Offline Marketing

B2B marketing is a dynamic and ever-evolving phenomenon. Marketers in the B2B domain are always on the lookout for new and effective strategies because they understand that acquiring business clients happens both in the online and real world. Despite the stellar advances made by digital marketing in the last decade, B2B is one field where offline marketing is an equally important aspect of the overall marketing strategy. Traditional forms of offline and outdoor marketing constitute a sizable[...]

Conversion Optimization | 11 min read

How to Optimize Your eCommerce Website for Easy Product Discovery

If your products are not easy to find, you’re losing customers in real-time.

According to Marketing Charts, 46% of shoppers say they go shopping online just for browsing.

Almost half of your traffic comes to your website, hoping that you’ll show them the right product for them.

What this means is… Are you optimizing your website for the people who still don’t know what to buy?

Conversion Optimization | 15 min read

How to Collect and Use Customer Data to Grow Your eCommerce Business

No matter the industry, success in the business world comes down to a company’s ability to serve and deliver value to the consumer.

To deliver this value, the team needs to understand their customers as best as they possibly can.

From their “on-paper” demographic information and their personality traits, to their personal and professional goals, to their tendencies and behaviors as a consumer, truly knowing your customers is the key to attracting, engaging, and retaining a loyal audience (and,[...]

Customer Service | 9 min read

6 Ways to Prevent Buyer's Remorse and Encourage Customer Loyalty

At some point, every company faces the headache that is buyer’s remorse. It stands as an obstacle when we seek to build strong relationships between customers and our businesses. Buyer’s remorse lets you believe you have made a successful sale, only to find that your customer has flipped and is wanting a refund.

Web Design | 7 min read

A Quick Start Guide to Using Heatmaps For eCommerce

All too often, websites are built on a series of assumptions, eCommerce platform limitations and best guesses. No matter how you arrived at your current website, it's likely there is at least one element that drives you crazy or that makes you less confident you're operating at 100% effectiveness. Dynamic heatmaps are a powerful tool to help illustrate what’s actually happening on your website.

Email Marketing | 8 min read

10 Ways to Improve Your Email Deliverability

What exactly is email deliverability? Quite simply, it is the rate at which your emails go to their intended target. In pretty much all cases, this target is going to be a recipient’s inbox. So, versus going to a person’s spam or somehow otherwise getting blocked, the email actually makes it all the way to its destination: the inbox.

Every email marketer’s dream is to have an email successfully arrive in an inbox. And what’s more, from that point, have that email actually get opened. Then of[...]

Conversion Optimization | 11 min read

How to Encourage Purchases from Different Types of Online Shoppers

Every company wants to be able to understand their customers. Insights and analytics help you to make more informed business decisions. But sometimes it isn’t as easy as just looking at and interpreting the numbers. Different consumers behave differently and eCommerce websites that only cater to one type of consumer can suffer in the sales department.

In this article, we have compiled the most common types of online shoppers and how you can specifically target each one.

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

The 15 Best Lead Generation Tools for Your Business

Leads are invaluable for businesses, no matter how big or small that business is. Leads are what allow you to grow, generate revenue, and give you vision for scaling down the road. While some leads are definitely better than others, all leads matter. Of course, if you could handpick your leads personally, there are definitely some qualities you would look for, including people who are actually looking for your specific product or service, and those who have been referred to you by your most[...]

Starting a Business | 12 min read

7 Ways to Make Money from Blogging

Blogging can be an awesome way of expressing your creativity, documenting your day-to-day life and meeting like-minded people.

But did you know it can also be an extremely lucrative business model?

Whether you’re looking to build your blog as a brand or simply use blogging as a promotional tool for your online business, there are a ton of ways to monetize a blog once you’re generating consistent traffic.

In this article, we’re going to break down our 7 favorite ways to make money from blogging,

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

21 Best Free Photoshop Actions for Product Photography

Photoshop can be a great asset for any product photographer or business owner looking to improve their product images. But, without the right knowledge and skill, using Photoshop can seem overwhelming. Luckily, Photoshop actions can be downloaded and applied to product photos to instantly improve their look without much skill required.

These free Photoshop actions for product photography can be a big help for business owners who can’t afford to spend time on photo editing tasks. Whenever you[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Win-Back Inactive eCommerce Customers with SMS Remarketing

The ecommerce sector is rapidly expanding. By 2022, revenues from ecommerce will expand to $6.54 trillion, up from $3.53 trillion in 2019. However, the expansion of the online market brings its own challenges for businesses.

One such challenge is the fact that customers are offered many options for products and services. This increase in options results in higher customer churn. Companies often focus solely on attracting new customers, often at the expense of existing ones. While new customers[...]

Fraud Prevention | 7 min read

Understanding eCommerce Fraud: A Beginner’s Guide

eCommerce fraud has been increasing and continues to be on the rise. Projected losses from credit card fraud are expected to reach nearly $50 billion by 2025.

Merchants new to eCommerce may be aware of eCommerce fraud but aren’t familiar with how it works or most importantly, how to protect themselves and their customers. The most important step a merchant should take to combat eCommerce fraud is to gain an understanding of what it is and how it can impact their business.

eCommerce Marketing | 10 min read

How to Promote New Product Releases That Will Lead to Early Sales

New products keep your business fresh and promote engagement. They bring customers back to the store and get people excited about your brand. Plus, loyal customers will always be interested in your latest offerings.

This doesn’t mean that promotion of new products can be neglected. A carefully constructed release strategy is essential in the success of new merchandise. However, it is not just your newest offerings at stake. A strong ecommerce brand relies on the proper promotion of your latest[...]

eCommerce Marketing | 9 min read

How to Edit Product Photos in Photoshop

High-quality photography is important for developing a successful business, as many customers are convinced to purchase a product based on its photos alone. If your product photos look unprofessional or unappealing, customers may turn away from your online store entirely.

Luckily, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to create great product photos. Photo editing software like Photoshop can enable you to improve any product image that you’d like to add to your online store.

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